Women and Children

  • Created by: Phoebe
  • Created on: 05-05-13 17:50
1920s education
No tests or textbooks - children encouraged to challenge teachers/parents - history taught in terms of class struggle - encouraged to learn a trade
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1930s education
discipline stressed - exams textbooks - ready for workforce - komsomol 1926 - modernise USSR - increase literary standards - 10 year compulsory education - last 3 years fee paying - elite society - core curriculum - teachings of great russians
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1920s family
illigitimate children recognized as full citizens - Captilist marriage laws abused women - 1928 wedding rings banned - free love -by end of 1920s divorce rate highest in europe in28 1/3 of all moscow marriages end in divorce -abortion legalised
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1920s family
- family and marriage considered Bourgeoisie - State responsible for rasing children would raise seperatley from parents but too expensive - orphans - Zhenotdel section of CPSU for women - equality men and women
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1930s family
Propaganda encouraged family - had to pay for divorce and abortion made illegal 1944 - Homosexuality/bigimy/incest illegal 1934 - Good communist is socially responsible so must have stable family - Traditional family and sexual attitudes reinstated
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1930s family
- 1934 no sex before marriage campaign - contraception unavailable - by 1937 91% of all men and 82% of women married - increased taxes for families with less than two children - payed 2000 roubled for 7 children and 5000 for 11 -
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1930s Zhenotdel replaced by housewives movement - Women expected to be worker and mother - undermined after sexual liberation under stalin - earnt 60% less than men in same job 1930s - 1945 80% of agriculture workers women
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Card 2


1930s education


discipline stressed - exams textbooks - ready for workforce - komsomol 1926 - modernise USSR - increase literary standards - 10 year compulsory education - last 3 years fee paying - elite society - core curriculum - teachings of great russians

Card 3


1920s family


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Card 4


1920s family


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Card 5


1930s family


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