What was he religious situation and problems in 1558?

Who was England's Traditional enemy?
1 of 9
In what Year was Elizabeth's Act of Supremacy?
2 of 9
Why would it be a concern for Elizabeth, if the Pope excommunicated her?
If he did this, as Head of the Church, excluding her would give her subjects permission to disobey Elizabeth. He could also lead the other Catholic powers against Elizabeth.
3 of 9
Why was it in Spain's Interest to support England if the French and Scottish attacked?
It was in Spain’s interest to support a Protestant nation against a Scottish-French attack as they would cut access to the English Chanel which Spain needed to access the Spanish Netherlands.
4 of 9
Why was it essential for England to have a good relationship with the Netherlands?
Elizabeth wanted to maintain a positive relationship as Antwerp was essential to the English textiles industry.
5 of 9
In the Act of Supremacy, why did Elizabeth choose to be known as the Supreme Governor rather than the Supreme Head of the Church?
Elizabeth did not want to offend the Catholic population and Protestants by having a female leader of the church.
6 of 9
What were the inspections known as which were ordered by Elizabeth?
7 of 9
Who were Presbyterians?
radical Protestants
8 of 9
What were the issues with Visitations?
there were not enough commissioners to see all the churches and they only inspected southern churches, so there were some catholic churches in the north
9 of 9

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Card 2


In what Year was Elizabeth's Act of Supremacy?



Card 3


Why would it be a concern for Elizabeth, if the Pope excommunicated her?


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Card 4


Why was it in Spain's Interest to support England if the French and Scottish attacked?


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Card 5


Why was it essential for England to have a good relationship with the Netherlands?


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