West German Society

  • Created by: Millie
  • Created on: 07-04-13 12:55
By what year did Germany have full employment?
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What kind of state was built?
A welfare state
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What did the economic miracle disguise?
Many people were still in a dire situation economically
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What was one of the first pieces of legislation?
1950 - Relief was provided for 4.5 million people
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What was the Equalization of Burdens Law?
A property levy on capital and real estate that had not been affected by the war to give to those who had been heavily affected by the war
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What was the 131 Law?
It was a law that restored the pension rights of civil servants
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Who collaborated closely with each other?
labour, employers and government
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What umbrella government was created?
The German Federation of Trade Unions
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What kind of peace did Adenauer's government recognize?
Industrial peace
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What was the Co-determination law?
A law that gave workers representatives on managerial boards in coal, iron and steel industries
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What was the Works' constitution Law of 1952?
A law that created a workers' council for all employees of companies with more that 500 workers
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What did the Trade Unions abstain from?
Party politics
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What was included under the welfare state?
Unemployment benefit, accident insurance, sickness insurance, pensions, family welfare and more
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What happened to house building?
The state supported and subsidized the shortage of houses. 1949-51 = 6 million new flats
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What society did they want to create through educational reform?
A democratic society
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What did not happen in the Allied Zones and why?
There were initially no education reforms as the Western Allies could not agree on a common education policy
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What schools were maintained?
Primary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools
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What were " ivory towers"?
Universities- reserved for the intellectual elite
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What was school chaos?
The fact that there was no clear consensus on how to proceed with education
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How that the limitations of the BRD education system?
Economic prosperity disguising the weak education system
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When were there finally changes to the education system?
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What evidence is there that women's status was advanced in the 1950s by the BRD?
1949- Basic Law gave women equal rights + 1957- Law of Equality of the Sexes - gave women the right to work without the permission of their husbands
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What was a welcomed addition?
The competition of the female workforce
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What evidence is there however that the BRD remained conservative and patriarchal ?
Working women did not get equal pay for the same work. The average woman's pay was 40% lower than the average man's and in Higher Education women made up only 30% of students in 1968
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Who supported this kind of societal structure?
The Catholic Church
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What was still a long way off?
Real emancipation
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How did most people live in the early 1950s?
Very modestly.Over half the population had no more that one bedroom to live in. 20% of the population still only lives at the subsistence level and in 1955 over a third of the population had never been on a holiday .
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What changes could be seen in the late 1950s?
There was a definite rise in living standards. Trade Unions became more confident in their demands for higher wages. The working week was reduced to 45 hours
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What was the 'without me' mentality?
The tendency of many W. Germans in the 1950s to put politics to one side or only concentrate on politics in terms of work, home and family. There was not much interest in international affairs
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How did the media catch on in the late 1950s
There was an emergence of modern mass media and in the late 1950s the first TVs began to spread new ideas
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What culture seeped into West Germany?
American culture
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Who were the "teddy-boys"?
Teenagers who were against the old-fashioned family values and the strict working ethos of their parents and who had an appreciation of American culture too
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By how much did the population grow?
From 47.5 million in 1951 to 58.6 million in 1965
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Where was there a great shift?
In the structure of the labour force there was a lot more social mobility
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Where were there less workers?
The agrarian sector (Agriculture e.g farming )
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What other industries also lost out to workers?
Coal and mining
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Where was there a massive expansion?
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How did West Germany present contradictory images?
Many Germans were much better off, but the new wealth exacerbated financial inequalities and the disparity in the distribution of wealth and income
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Was W. Germany a classless society?
The class difference had leveled so so it seemed like W. Germany as a whole was a rather homogeneous middle class.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What kind of state was built?


A welfare state

Card 3


What did the economic miracle disguise?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was one of the first pieces of legislation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the Equalization of Burdens Law?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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