Infection revision

What is infection?
The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body tissues
1 of 8
In process of infection, how many stages of progression is there?
4 - Colonization, Invasion, Multiplication and spread
2 of 8
Why during incubation period do you not see any symptoms?
The microorganism has entered the patient but there are insufficient numbers to show symptoms.
3 of 8
Explain Pyrexia?
Rise in body temperature above the normal (37.2)
4 of 8
How do Bacteria reproduce?
Asexually simply by division of cells
5 of 8
Fungus = simple organism that lacks the green pigment _______?
6 of 8
In Delirium patients what does the mnemonic PINCH ME stand for?
Pain, other Infection, poor Nutrition, Constipation, poor Hydration, other Medications, Environmental change.
7 of 8
Why do patients suffer with frequency and urgency when suffering with a UTI?
Reduced bladder capacity due to inflammatory oedema causing decreased compliance and pain due to bladder distension.
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


In process of infection, how many stages of progression is there?


4 - Colonization, Invasion, Multiplication and spread

Card 3


Why during incubation period do you not see any symptoms?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain Pyrexia?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do Bacteria reproduce?


Preview of the front of card 5
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