Unit 2 exam

Name one of the treatments for coronary heart disease
coronary angioplasty; a small balloon insterted to push the fatty tissues in the narrow artery outwards to allow the blood to flow easily.
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Name one social impact of coronary heart disease
may become withdrawn from friends
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Name one physical impact of coronary heart disease
may find it difficult to manage diet changes
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Name one emotional impact of coronary heart disease
feeling stressed/down/upset/anxious/worried about their condition
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Name one financial impact of coronary heart disease
may need to take time off work in order to have treatment
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What is coronary heart disease?
when the hearts blood supply is blocked off or interrupted by a build up of fatty substances in the coronary arteries
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Name 3 symptoms associated with coronary heart disease
angina/chest pains, palpatations and breathlessness
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What is a stroke?
when the blood supply to the brain is cut off or interrupted
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What are the causes of a stroke?
a blood clot forms in the main artery of the brain which stops the flow to the brain. A blockage of the tiny vessels in the brain causes the vessel to burst
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Name 4 symptoms associated with a stroke
the face may have dropped on one side, slurred speech, complete paralysis on one side of the body and sudden loss of vision/blurred vision
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Treatments for stroke
clot busting medication e.g alteplase, MRI/CT scan, caniotomy or surgery to remove blood from the brain
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One physical impact of stroke
vision problems
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One intellectual impact of stroke
problems with short term memory
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One emotional impact of stroke
may suffer from depression
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One social impact of stroke
difficulties communicating with others
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One finanical impact of stroke
extended periods of time off work and may need to rely on benefits
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What is leukaemia?
Cancer of the white blood cells. There are two main groups; acute and chronic
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Acute leukaemia
develops quickly (days/weeks)
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Chronic leukaemia
develops more slowly (months/years)
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Symptoms associated with leukaemia
tiredness, unusual bleeding and bruising (especially in children) and a high temperature (fever and night sweats)
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Treatments for leukaemia
blood transfusions, placed in sterile environment (weak immune system during treatment) and chemotherapy
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name one social impact of coronary heart disease


may become withdrawn from friends

Card 3


Name one physical impact of coronary heart disease


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name one emotional impact of coronary heart disease


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name one financial impact of coronary heart disease


Preview of the front of card 5
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