
Anatamoical Point of Reference, Types of Movement, Responses to Exercise (Long and Short Term Responses), Energy Systems, Principles of Motion, Pinciples of Balnce, Projectile Motion, Force Summation, Newtons 3rd Law of Motion


Anatomical Point of Reference

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Superior- top/above

Inferior- bottom/below

Proximal- near/close

Distal- far away from

Anterior- front of the body

Posterior- back of the body

Medial-close the the middle/center

Lateral- outer part, the sides

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Types of Movement

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Flexion- decrease the angle

Extension- increasing of the angle

Abduction- movement away from the midline

Adduction- movement towards mid line of the body

Rotation- When body part moves outwards or inwards

Pronation- palms down

Supination- palms up, anatomical position

Dorsiflextion- toe up

Pantarfexion- toes down

Inversion- knees/feet roll towards mid line

Eversion- rolling ankle outward

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Respone to Exercise SHORT1

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-only last as long as your doing the activity

-when you start exercising, your body makes sure your muscles (now that you're working harder) recieve oxygen and fuel as they keep contracting

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Response to Exercise SHORT2

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-heart rate goes up (BPM)

-sweating starts

-skin appears red

-breathing rate/respiration goes up

-blood pressure goes up

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Responses to Exercise LONG1

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-positive effects on mind and body

-weight training-strength



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Resposes to Exercise LONG2

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-heart become sbigger with thicker wall .... because the heart pumps more blood through the body

-muscles become thicker and stronger

-reaction times are better

-can cope better with lactic acid because your ability take in more oxygen is greater

-quicker heart rate recovery

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Energy Systems ATP-PC

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-short bursts of energy

-creatine phosphate stored in muscles produces ATP

-CP stores are limited, after apprx 10 seconds of intense exercise, stores are used up

-oxygen free

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The Anaerobic System

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-without oxygen

-get it from glycogen (the carbs we eat)

-as it does renergy is released for atp production

-10 seconds to 3 minutes

-produces lactic acid

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Aerobic System

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-As you exercise respitory rate, tidal volume, heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output all increase in an attempt to rapidly provide oxygen to the working muscle

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projectile motion

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-any body that is released into the air becomes a projectile. the projectile can either be an object eg ball javelin or it can be a person eg long jump, polse vaulter

-all projectile sfollow the same principles of motion. when a body becomes a projectile, only two forces act to change its motion - air resistance and gravity

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principle of motion


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