Understanding the key events in Hitlers Foreign Policy 33-39

Help to commit content to memory, establish a decent sense of chronology in your head

  • Created by: Vixxx92
  • Created on: 12-11-10 12:55
Why did the attempted Anschluss in Jul 1934 fail?
Mussolini sent troops to prevent it
1 of 10
Why did Hitler make the Non Agression Pact with Poland in 1934?
He did not yet feel able to take them on
2 of 10
In what year was the Saarland returned to Germany by plebiscite?
3 of 10
The Pact of Steel and what other Pact was signed by the Germans in 1939?
Nazi-Soviet Pact
4 of 10
The Munich Agreement transferred where? to Germany
The Sudetenland
5 of 10
Britain declared war on Germany when...
Germany invaded Poland
6 of 10
Hitlers first act of foreign policy (1933) was...
Withdrawal from the League of Nations/disarmament conference
7 of 10
1935 was an important year for rearmament. Hitler announced the introduction of conscription and the Naval Agreement was signed. This...
Restricted Germany
8 of 10
The Anti Comintern pact was signed in November 1936 by...
Germany, Italy and Japan
9 of 10
In March 1938, what percentage of Austrians voted 'ja' to anschluss with Germany?
10 of 10

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Card 2


Why did Hitler make the Non Agression Pact with Poland in 1934?


He did not yet feel able to take them on

Card 3


In what year was the Saarland returned to Germany by plebiscite?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The Pact of Steel and what other Pact was signed by the Germans in 1939?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The Munich Agreement transferred where? to Germany


Preview of the front of card 5
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Thank you sooooo much! I passed my exam because of these!

Ruth Law


Thank you, a fun way to revise!

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