Types of moraine

Name the 4 types of moraine
Terminal, recessional, lateral and medial.
1 of 5
What is terminal moraine?
These mark the maximum position of the ice and are heap of debris dumped by the snout of the glacier.
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What is recessional moraine?
Recessional moraines are similar to terminal moraines but marks the positions of an ice mass as it gradually melted and retreated during deglaciation.
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What is a lateral moraine?
Rock debris builds up along the edge of a valley glacier where the ice meets the valley wall.
4 of 5
What is a medial moraine?
Formed from two lateral moraines meeting in the middle of a glacier and depositing material.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is terminal moraine?


These mark the maximum position of the ice and are heap of debris dumped by the snout of the glacier.

Card 3


What is recessional moraine?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a lateral moraine?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is a medial moraine?


Preview of the front of card 5


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