Types of LTM

  • Created by: danbot77
  • Created on: 20-04-21 14:40
What is semantic memory?
Knowledge of the meaning of words as well as general knowledge.
Usually involves conscious thought but isn't time stamped. The strength of these memories is directly proportional to degree of processing at the time of coding. sustained over time.
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What is procedural memory?
The memory of motor skills. It is unconscious and not time stamped.
Implicit memory allowing people to remember without conscious thought. Works with language. People can perform cognitive tasks due to no thought being needed.
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What is episodic memory?
Stores memories about an event. Involves conscious thought and is time stamped.
Memories are enhanced by emotions. More time and attention, easier recall. Helps distinguish between real events and imagination.
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What is one support for the types of LTM?
Tulving et al had participants attempt tasks to target different areas of the brain. He found that the left prefrontal cortex was responsible for semantic memory while episodic memories triggered the right pfc. Shows LTM isn't unitary.
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What is one support for the types of LTM?
(case study)
Clive Wearing had his memory damaged by a virus and he has poor episodic memories as he fails to recall his wedding day but good procedural as he can still play the piano. LTM is not unitary.
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What is one criticism for the types of LTM?
Cohen and Squire say that the LTM is made up of two components. Semantic and episodic memories are stored in one place called declarative memory. This is important so we can give the best help and treatment.
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What is one criticism for the types of LTM?
We can't be sure as to the extent that systems are separated. Semantic memories can be learnt from experiences (episodic) so we can't be sure where the memory is then stored as there is too much overlap.
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Card 2


What is procedural memory?


The memory of motor skills. It is unconscious and not time stamped.
Implicit memory allowing people to remember without conscious thought. Works with language. People can perform cognitive tasks due to no thought being needed.

Card 3


What is episodic memory?


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Card 4


What is one support for the types of LTM?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is one support for the types of LTM?
(case study)


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