The Rise of the Nazi's Questions

Questions about The Rise of the Nazi's 

  • Created on: 07-06-11 09:49

1. What kind of society did Hitler want after WW1?

  • Multi-Ethnic Society
  • Pure German Society
  • Authoritative, Anti-Semitism & Anti Capitalist
  • Socialist Society
1 of 24

Other questions in this quiz

2. Who was the founder of the party?

  • Drexler
  • Hindenburg
  • Hitler
  • Kaiser
  • Ratheanu

3. What was the 25 Points programme?

  • A list of requirements made by the Nazi's to unite Germany, rid the Jews and destroy socialists
  • A step by step programme on how Hitler could become the leader of Germany
  • A programme made by the governments on how to rid themselves of Hitler
  • A programme on how the Government can rid themselves of the Nazi party
  • A step by programme on how the Nazi party could win the vote of confidence by its citizens

4. How many members did the Nazi party have by 1921

  • 3,000
  • 250,000
  • 1,000,000
  • 75,000

5. What was the first Nazi newspaper called?

  • Daily Telegraph
  • People's Observer
  • The German Times
  • The Nazi's
  • Nazi Daily


Abbey Thomas


please be specific about which election results you are asking for- they were involved in more than one Reaichstag election you know!!!!

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