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6. How many members did the Nazi have by 1923?

  • 7,000,000
  • 75,000
  • 20,000
  • 5,000
  • 200

7. Who did Hitler gain support from?

  • Ludendorff
  • Kaiser
  • Goring
  • Hindenburg

8. What newspaper owner did Hitler also get support from?

  • Streicher
  • Ludendorff
  • Hindenburg
  • Kaiser
  • Goring

9. When was the Beer Hall Putch?

  • 1923
  • 1929
  • 1918
  • 1925

10. What was the Beer Hall Putsch?

  • Attacking the Socialist
  • Overthrowing Hindenburg
  • March on Munich
  • March on Berlin
  • Attacking the Jews

11. How many causalities were there?

  • 2000
  • 100
  • 14
  • 150

12. What did this result in?

  • Hitler was arrested but NSDAP flourished
  • Hitler's arrest & NSDAP nanned
  • Hitler freed but the NSDAP was banned
  • Hitler winning and gaining control of Germany

13. How was this viewed as a positive for Hitler?

  • Highlighted there needed to be change
  • Gained attention from Media
  • Manage to show how unjust Germany was

14. What was Lebensraum?

  • Ways in which Hitler could gain back control of the Nazi party
  • International expansion to contend with wetsern economies
  • Extermination of Socialists
  • Removal of the Jews

15. What was Fuhrerprinzip?

  • A one party state controlled by one leader
  • A party controlled by 5 key members
  • A one party state where two people were in command

16. What was Volksgemeinschaft?

  • Equal Opportunities
  • Unequal Opportunities
  • One Community
  • Diverse Community

17. How did Hitler believe he could gain power?

  • Work within the Government legal system
  • Start another revolt
  • Use the Army
  • Complain to the Government

18. Who did Hitler challenge for control of the Party

  • Goring
  • Ludendorff
  • Strasser
  • Hidenburg
  • Streicher

19. What was a Gauleiters?

  • Regional Leader
  • State Leader
  • National Leader

20. Who was the Gauleiter of Berlin?

  • Goebbels
  • Goring
  • Strasser
  • Hitler