The motives and aims of the Big Three at Versailles

  • Created by: Lucyy
  • Created on: 31-10-12 19:33
How many troops were dead and how many wounded?
8 million dead and 21 million wounded
1 of 17
How many buildings did France lose?
2 of 17
How much did Britain spend on the war?
$9 billion
3 of 17
Which major countries collapsed in revolution?
Germany, Austria, Russia
4 of 17
How did Lloyd George win the Dec 1918 election?
Promising to 'squeeze the German lemon till the pips squeak'
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Why was Lloyd George pressured to give the Germans a harsh treaty?
The British wanted the Germans to pay harshly
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Why did Lloyd George against huge reparations?
He wanted to preserve Britain's naval status, but allow Germany's economy to grow so they could trade.
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What did the French expect of Germany?
To pay for France's war damage and refrain from attacking again.
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Why did Clemenceau face difficulty achieving his aims?
Neither USA or Britain supported such harsh punishments.
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What happened in France when the treaty terms were made public?
They were condemned and Clemenceau's government overthrown.
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What was the difficulty with Wilson being democratic?
He struggled to accept other's opinions.
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How did Wilson try to ensure a fair settlement?
He introduced his 14 points and believed self-determination was the most important?
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How did Wilson compromise on his 14 points?
He had to place his hope of solving disputes in the League of Nations.
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Who were the Big Three?
The powers who won the war; USA, France and Great Britain.
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What power did the Big Three have at the Paris Peace Conference?
The power to make decisions which other nations would have to accept.
15 of 17
Why was it impossible to make victors and defeated nations happy?
Countries had been destroyed and economies shattered in WW1.
16 of 17
Why were politicians under pressure?
The had to please their public.
17 of 17

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How many buildings did France lose?



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Which major countries collapsed in revolution?


Preview of the front of card 4

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How did Lloyd George win the Dec 1918 election?


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