The Nature of God

  • Created by: MPlattHGS
  • Created on: 17-11-22 13:48
How did Descartes define God?
Supremely perfect without limitation
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How did Anselm address the problem of God not having the power to lie?
Deception is a weakness so it is not a limit on his power
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How did Aquinas defend the idea that God cannot do physical things like climb trees or swim?
God can only do things consistent with his nature.
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What does the term kenosis mean?
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In Vardy's view, why is God's omnipotence limited?
He is limited by the universe he chose to create.
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Which two thinkers argued that absolute power is not a desirable quality?
Whitehead and Hartshorne
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Who said the following?: 'When people have tried to read into 'God can do everything' a signification not of Pious Intention but of Philosophical Truth, they have only landed themselves in intractable problems and hopeless confusions; no graspable sense h
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Who said the following?: ‘In the same way, we estimate the intimacy between two persons by the foreknowledge one has of the actions of the other, without supposing that in either case, the one or other’s freedom is therefore endangered. So even divine for
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How does Boethius describe God's view of time?
'God looks down as if from a lofty peak above'
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According to Boethius how does time appear to God?
As one simultaneous present.
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What is meant by simple necessity?
Something that just is because it comes from its nature e.g. the sun rising.
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What is meant by conditional necessity?
Something that has a condition attached to it e.g. as long as someone is walking his feet are moving him forward.
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How does Boethius use conditional necessity to defend free will?
God sees our action on the condition it is freely chosen
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What is the term given to Anselm's view of God?
The Four-Dimensionalist Approach
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Who said the following?: I shall understand God as eternal as being everlasting [he existed at every moment in the past and will exist at every moment in future time]. Being everlasting, God is unlimited in the time during which he exists.’
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According to Swinburne why is it not possible for God to know our future actions?
Free choices are by definition open so it is not logically possible for God to know them until we have made them.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How did Anselm address the problem of God not having the power to lie?


Deception is a weakness so it is not a limit on his power

Card 3


How did Aquinas defend the idea that God cannot do physical things like climb trees or swim?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the term kenosis mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In Vardy's view, why is God's omnipotence limited?


Preview of the front of card 5
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