The Four Dumas:

The First Duma: April 1906- July 1906
Main parties: Kadets-182, Labourists/ SRs- 342 and National Parties-60 Character- Dominated by reformist parties; 'Dissolved in disorder'. Called for land reform -taken from nobility and given to peasants; Amnesty for political detainees
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Second Duma: February- June 1907
Main parties: Labourists/ SRs; Social democrats; RW parties Character- Clash between revs and RW parties; 'Duma of the people's wrath' Achievements: Little/ dissolved in disorder
2 of 5
Third Duma: November 1907- June 1912
Main parties: Octobrists; Nationalists and other RW Character: Election rigged by Stolypin to produce more cooperative deputies from more moderate parties; A change in the voting Achievements: Committees did achieve effective Social reform
3 of 5
Fourth Duma: November 1912- August 1914
Main parties: Octobrists; Kadets and RW parties Character: Dominated by RW parties- were they willing to cooperate; Real critrisicism? Achievements: Social reform continues, but prepared to criticise government
4 of 5
Overall judgement
5 of 5

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Card 2


Main parties: Labourists/ SRs; Social democrats; RW parties Character- Clash between revs and RW parties; 'Duma of the people's wrath' Achievements: Little/ dissolved in disorder


Second Duma: February- June 1907

Card 3


Main parties: Octobrists; Nationalists and other RW Character: Election rigged by Stolypin to produce more cooperative deputies from more moderate parties; A change in the voting Achievements: Committees did achieve effective Social reform


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Main parties: Octobrists; Kadets and RW parties Character: Dominated by RW parties- were they willing to cooperate; Real critrisicism? Achievements: Social reform continues, but prepared to criticise government


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Overall judgement


Preview of the back of card 5


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