The Impact of Stolypin - Saviour or Destroyer of the Regime?


The Impact of Stolypin - Saviour or Destroyer of the Regime?

Strikes 1911-1914:

Chart of strikes 1911-194 (Jan-July) from lesson slides.

  • From 1911-1914 (Jan-July), the total number of strikes increased from 466 to 3,534. Out of that, the strikes regarded as political rose by 100%, with the number of strikers increasing from 105,110 to 1,448,684.

  • From 1911-1912 there was a huge increase in strikes going up to 2,032 strikes, 1,300 of which were political, with 725,491 strikers. From then on there was a steady increase in strikes, the largest in 1914 (Jan-July).

  • The Duma was not the voice that the people wanted or there would not be such a need for the large number of strikes.

Lena Goldfields Massacre, 1912:

  • The shooting of goldfield workers on strike in northeast Siberia near the Lena River on 17 April [O.S. 4 April] 1912.

  • Provoked by the working conditions being exceptionally harsh with miners having to work fifteen to sixteen hours a day. For every thousand workers, there were more than 700 accidents. When the strike committee was arrested, a large crowd marched in protest.

  • The government/police sent in agents provocateurs to whip up the crowds of strikers so that the police could put it down. They were desperate to find an excuse to shoot at the strikers, unlike Bloody Sunday. 

  • The workers were met by soldiers, who began shooting at the crowd by the order of Captain Treshchenkov,


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