the dumas

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 03-06-19 10:59
When was the first duma esablished
1 of 19
How long did the first duma last
2 months
2 of 19
why was the first duma dissolved
it's call for reform were deemed too radical
3 of 19
What change did the first duma want
It wanted land reform and the release of prisoners
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who made up the majority of the first duma
Kadets and SRs
5 of 19
When was the second duma established
6 of 19
who wrote the vyborg appeal and when
the kadets in 1906
7 of 19
Why did they write the vyborg appeal
In response to the first duma being dissolved - it criticised the Tsar and his way of government
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what happened in response to the vyborg appeal
The kadets were made illegible to vote, severley reducing their power in the duma
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How long did the second duma last
5 months
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why was the second duma dissolved
It began to promote revolutionary groups within the army
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what was the third duma supposed to be
more supportive of the tsar
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why was the third duma less radical
Voting was changed which meant that landowners vote carried more weight than anyone else
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Who was prime minister suring this time
14 of 19
When was it dissolved
mid 1912
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when was the fourth duma set up
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who made up the 4th duma
Octobrists and socialists
17 of 19
when was the 4th duma suspended
18 of 19
What was the issue with the 4th duma
The octobrists and socialists made it impossible for decision making and unity was impossible
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How long did the first duma last


2 months

Card 3


why was the first duma dissolved


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What change did the first duma want


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


who made up the majority of the first duma


Preview of the front of card 5
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