The agentic state and legitamcy of authority

What is the agentic state?
is caused by legitmacy of authoirty, a mental state in which we feel no personal responsbility for our actions as we believe we are acting under influnece of a higher authoirty figure- agents to the figure,
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What is the agentic state opposite to?
Autonomous state- where person sees themselves as responsible for their own actions. Milgram proposed the agentic shift, shift from automnous state to the agentic shift
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What do individuals feel when in the agentic state?
Responsibility to the authority figure, but not to their own actions. Just following orders et, can lead to destructuive authoirty, i.,e the holocaustt
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What is one reason why people adopt to the agentic state?
Binding factors(aspects of situation which allow us to ignore the damaging effect dof our actions) like Self image and social situations
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Explain self image as a reason for agentic state?
They may do it to maintain positive self image. Temptation occurs- evaluates the consequence on their self image. However in agentic state this is irrelevant because they are no longer responsible for their own actions, so they guilty
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What are actions in the agentic state free from?
Actions are guilt free, no matter inhuman they may be.
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Name one reason why people stay in the agentic state?
Cos of social situations
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Explain what happens in experiments
Social etiquette plays key role in regulating behaviour, in order to break off, participants need to breach the commitment that they made to the experimenter. Subject fears this will be seen as rude, so such behaviour isn't taken lightly. bindpplintothest
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What is legitimacy of authority?
legitimacy of authority is a condition needed for agentic state. It is When person recognises their position in a social hierarchy, for example paying no attention to other peoples wishes because they are of equal status in the social hierarchy.
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What comes before the agentic state?
Legitimacy of authority.
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How can legitimacy of authority be increased?
Factors including uniform (visible symbols)
Location. shown in milgram
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why do most people accept legitamcy of authoirty
accept some ppl are of higher authority like bouncerman, policeman, because they keep societu functioning smoothly
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research support from Blass/schmitt. they showed a film to milgrams parctipants and asked them to all identidy who was responsible, all said it was the authoirty figure(researcher) and that the parctipoants were just following orders(agentic state
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doesent explain why some people didnt obey, if we all have a fundemntal need to obey higher authoirtyu figures. and it may be due to other factors like being cruel and having fundemental need to harm others
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example of this
In the SPE the guards became increasimgly agressive towards parctipants even tho they werent acting under an authoirty figure. agentic state gives cruel people status
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can explain the mai lai masacre, real life applications, women were abused, killed and gang ***** by us so;ldjers under us legitmacy of authority and agentic state. and holocaust
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legitmacy of authoirty varies culture to cultuyre
reflects idea of legitmayc of authoirty
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the agentic state opposite to?


Autonomous state- where person sees themselves as responsible for their own actions. Milgram proposed the agentic shift, shift from automnous state to the agentic shift

Card 3


What do individuals feel when in the agentic state?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is one reason why people adopt to the agentic state?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain self image as a reason for agentic state?


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