TB6 D&L Lecture 4; How do we use language?

  • Created by: mint75
  • Created on: 04-01-16 15:02
What is the difference between indirect and direct speech acts?
Direct speech acts (approx 10% of lang) intend the literal meaning. Indirect speech acts (approx 90% lang) move beyond the literal meaning
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What is extracted first in Searles two stage model of understanding indirect speech?
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How do one stage models of understanding indirect speech work?
Extraction either parallel literal and non-literal, or ONLY non-literal. Depends on context AND type of indirect speech.
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What is fictive motion?
Figurative language which implies movement
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What methodology can be used to measure fictive motion?
Eye tracking
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What did Richardson & Matlock find in a study of fictive motion?
Fictive motion affected looking time to the relevent path, fictive motion had an effect on sentence processing. The literal meaning was activated regardless
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What was the hypothesis in Richardson & Matlock (2007)?
If fictive motion is a part of sentence understanding, FM sentences with hard terrain should have a longer LT
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What was the main finding of a study by ferreria et al (2005) in avoiding ambiguity?
Pps aimed to establish common ground in both conditions, but ESPECIALLY for non-linguistic ambiguity
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What was the main finding of Keysar et al (2000)?
Although there was a representation of common ground, pps initial response was often egocentric, suggesting inhibition
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In a study by Wu & Keysar (2007), which cultural group found it easier to suppress the egocentric POV and make fewer fixations towards wrong objects?
Collectivist (Chinese)
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Tanenhaus et al (1995) "put the apple on the towel into..." Which condition has the least ambiguity?
Two referent condition; abides by quantity maxim
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What did the study by Tanenhaus et al (1995) suggest?
Because visual context influences the liklihood of being garden-pathed, evidence AGAINST the autonomy/modularity of the parser.
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In a visual-world eye tracking study by Altmann&Kamide, (1999), when did anticipatory fixations due to verb-selectional restraints occur?
Well before the onset of the noun, suggesting that language understanding involves prediction
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Card 2


What is extracted first in Searles two stage model of understanding indirect speech?



Card 3


How do one stage models of understanding indirect speech work?


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Card 4


What is fictive motion?


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Card 5


What methodology can be used to measure fictive motion?


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