what is ssr (A01)
research w potential implications to either ppt's directly or for the individuals/groups represented by the research

could benefit/harm individuals
1 of 12
Rosenhan (A03)
+ inpatients were subjected to depersonalisation in hospitals, influenced mental health practices
- Findings = staff, clinicans and hospitals were incompetent due to wrong diagnosis, detrimental possibly causing distress
2 of 12
Brain abnormalities (AO1)
cause reduced personal responsibility for aggresive behaviour
3 of 12
Brain Abnormalities (A03)
Raine et al. - brains of murderers have abnormalities, which could be used to claim individuals are not responsible for violence
4 of 12
Biological explanations (AO1)
Look to nature to explain aggression/criminal behaviour e.g. xyy syndrome
5 of 12
Biological Explanations (AO3)
Court-Brown - XYY patients should be hospitalised given their increased chance of being aggressive, highlighting how ssr has implicatons for social control
6 of 12
Mental Disorders (A01)
Clinical psychologists conduct drug trials with patients to research effectiveness of new treatments for disorders e.g. schizo
7 of 12
Mental Disorders (A03)
Research that has shown causes of mental health problems to be biological e.g. neurotransmitters in schizo, helped debunk myths about mental health e.g. demonic possession - improve how people are treated
8 of 12
Mental Disorders/Media (A01)
Sensitivity can also arise as people might be treated differently because of the way research findings are reported/interpreted by the media
This develops labels, research into mental health involves labelling = neg outcomes
9 of 12
Sherif/prejudice (A01)
Authority figures could manipulate people using prejudice
10 of 12
Sherif/Prejudice (A03)
- How to create prejudice
+ How to reduce it
11 of 12
Cost/benefit analysis (bandura - little boys will copy violent dads, rosenhan - top psychiatrists clueless, milgram - nazi soldiers good)
SSR needed for society
12 of 12

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Card 2


+ inpatients were subjected to depersonalisation in hospitals, influenced mental health practices
- Findings = staff, clinicans and hospitals were incompetent due to wrong diagnosis, detrimental possibly causing distress


Rosenhan (A03)

Card 3


cause reduced personal responsibility for aggresive behaviour


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Card 4


Raine et al. - brains of murderers have abnormalities, which could be used to claim individuals are not responsible for violence


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Card 5


Look to nature to explain aggression/criminal behaviour e.g. xyy syndrome


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