Spanish Armada

When was Spanish Armada complete?
Spring of 1588
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what did the Armada consist of?
130 ships
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How many sailors were there?
8000 sailors
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How many soldiers were there?
18,000 soldiers
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Who led the Armada?
Duke of Medina Sidonia
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When did the Armada set out?
May 1588
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Why was it delayed?
Because of bad weather and the English fleet was intercepting it
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Where did the Armada reach in July 1588?
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Where did the ships then station themselves?
Across the channel near Calais
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What caused several Spanish ships to sail back into the open sea?
English sent 8 fireships among the Armada
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What made it impossible for the fleet to return back to calais?
Bad weather
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Why did the Armada start to sail towards Scotland?
So it could collect the fleet from Netherlands
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Why was this difficult?
English troops followed them constantly meaning it was hard for the Spanish to regroup
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What did Medina Sidonia decide to do?
Call off the attack and return to Spain
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Why was the journey back to Spain a disaster?
Because there were terrible storms
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What three factors contributed to the defeat of the Armada?
English strengths, Spanish weaknesses, luck
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How had England built their ships, giving them an advantage?
They were long and narrower, making them easier to control and much faster
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What did most of Spain's men lack?
Naval warfare experience
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What made it difficult for the English to attack Spanish ships?
Spanish ships weren't anchored safely
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Why was Medina Sidonia chosen to lead the Armada?
The original senior commander of the fleet died in February 1588
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Why was Medina a bad idea?
Because he had little military or naval experience
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What made it impossible for the Armada to return back to the Channel?
Due to terrible weather
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what did the Armada consist of?


130 ships

Card 3


How many sailors were there?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many soldiers were there?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who led the Armada?


Preview of the front of card 5
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