Defeat Of The Armada


Defeat Of The Armada


  • English improved ship building, giving them several technological advantages.
  • English tactics more effective as Spanish aimed to come alongside their opponents, board their vessels and overcome enemy in hand to hand fighting.
  • Most of Spain’s men lacked experience of naval warfare whereas English fleet manned by experienced sailors
  • The death of Spain’s leading admiral, Santa Cruz, February 1588.
  • Weather made it impossible for Spanish fleet to return to Channel after battle of Gravelines.
  • Philip sent two further Armadas in 1590s but both unsuccessful. Although war with Spain continued for 15 years, Armada of 1588 was last serious Spanish threat to Elizabeth’s throne.
  • The victory of 1588 contributed to England’s development as a strong naval power to rival Spain. English ships went on many voyages of discovery and established valuable trade routes, especially with India and Far East.


  • Spain relied on large ships which were heavy and difficult to handle whereas English built long, narrow ships which were faster and easier to handle. English cannons could be reloaded faster than Spanish.
  • Spanish couldn’t use tactic against English as used greater mobility to stay out of range. Instead of boarding Spanish ships, English fired broadsides (massive barrages of cannonballs) which could sink them.
  • Spanish plan to meet Duke of Parma at Dunkirk was flawed. Spain didn’t control deep water port where Armada could anchor safely so ships extremely vulnerable to attack while waited for Parma’s troop to escape Dutch blockade.
  • Led to appointment of inexperienced Duke of Medina Sidonia to lead Armada.
  • Forcing it to travel into dangerous waters off the Scottish and Irish coasts.
  • By the end of Elizabeth’s reign, the navy was also playing an important role in attempts to set up English colony in North America.
  • The English victory boosted Elizabeth’s popularity and strengthened the Protestant cause – seen as sign that God favoured Protestantism.

Overall summary

The English Navy managed to defeat the Armada due to their strengths, luck and the Spanish weakenesses. 


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