South Africa Unit 1 revision

Bantu Authorities Act 1951
An act in South Africa which created homelands for the nonwhites to live in. Also, the nonwhites were not allowed to vote in national elections
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Mixed Marriages Act
Prohibited marriage between people of different races
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Immorality Act (1950)
Prohibited all sexual relations between whites & non-whites.
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Johannesburg township, center of black cultural life, cleared out by authorities because of its proximity to white suburbs
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Group Areas Act (1950)
Required registration of all land ownership, and authorized govt to designate area for one group alone to occupy and evict members of other groups
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Bantu Education Act (1953)
-Schools were segregated -Non-white schools had less resources than white schools and were in worse conditions -Students were taught about tribal identity and culture
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Natives Abolition of Passes Act (1952)
Required African adults to carry a reference that had to be presented upon request
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Urban Areas Act 1952
gave rights to small majority of black people who had been born in town, worked for 10 years or lived there for 15 years
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Tomlinson Report 1955
stated that bantustans could be transformed by massive investment of £104 million Tomlinson - advocated in creating a class of full-time farmers and major funding for rural industries
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Verwoerd's reasons for rejecting report
believed that white South Africans would not support it, felt Tomlinson's ideas undermined key aspects of apartheid, felt 'Bantu' should develop at their own pace
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what was the betterment policy?
this strategy would stop environmental degradation and enable Africans to intensify their farming without destroying their soil
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formed in 1912, wanted to achieve rights for black Africans, 1946 - african miners went on strike, Smuts called in Army to deal with situation
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who founded the Youth League in 1944?
Anton Lembede, Oliver Tambo, Walter Sisulu and Nelson Mandela
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Youth League: Programme of action
far more confrontational approach to white minority rule, called for African consciouness, nationalism and and a united African people
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the idea that you are african before anything else
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promoted idea of 'Africa for Africans', founded by Robert Sobukwe, wanted a more confrontantional approach, Africanists believed that complete independence and freedom implied return of land to africans
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Defiance Campaign
1952; launched by the ANC, SAIC, and FAC against the new laws regarding passbooks; wanted to fill the courts and prisons with people arrested for not having the proper passbooks and overwhelm the system; protesters were extremely peaceful
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when did East London start
june 1952
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what happened?
protestors arrested willingly as they hoped through to fill courtrooms and make laws difficult to be enforced
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why was the defiance campaign called off?
after protestors and police fired shots at each other; 2 white people were killed and 7 Africans
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positive effect of the Defiance campaign
ANC membership rose from 4000 to 100,000
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when was the Women's league formed
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people tried to remove government interference in their political and social lives, government made sekhukhuneland a Bantustan and appointted authorities to run it, people seen as collaborating with government were killed
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Treason Trial
The Treason Trial was a trial in which 156 people, including Nelson Mandela, were arrested in a raid and accused of treason in South Africa in 1956. The main trial lasted until 1961, when all of the defendants were found not guilty.
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Freedom Charter 1955
core politcal beliefs of Congress Alliance, charter called for a democratic South Africa
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Mixed Marriages Act


Prohibited marriage between people of different races

Card 3


Immorality Act (1950)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4




Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Group Areas Act (1950)


Preview of the front of card 5
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