Social influence processes in social change

What is a prerequisit for social change?
a conversion
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1: What is the first stage of affecting social change as a minority group?
drawing the majorities attention to the issue - this creates a conflict that both parties are motivated to reduce
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1: How did the Suffregettes draw attention to their message?
They used educational and militent tactics to draw the attention of the majority to the fact that women don't have the same voting rights as men
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2: What effect does creating a congnative conflict have for the minority group?
this doesn't inherently make the majority move towards the minority position but it does make them think about the issues being challenged
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2: How did the suffregettes use congentive conflic to theri advatage?
They made the majority consider their message (woman should have the vote)
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3: How does cosnsitancy make a minority gorups message more effective?
Having a consistant message across time and between groups strengthend the message of the suffragettes
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4: What is the augmentation principle?
if the minority group is willing to suffer fro their views they will appear more commited to theri cause (eg. suffregetteswent on hungerstrikes, suffered prison conditions)
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5: how does a minority view lead to widescale social change?
the snowball effect, where the message begomes more and more widley accpeted until it becomes the majority view
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What to Perkins and Berkowitz (1986) argue drives social change through majrroity influnce?
behavioural choices coreleate with group norms. Through NSI people alter their behaviour to fit with that group norm
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Card 2


1: What is the first stage of affecting social change as a minority group?


drawing the majorities attention to the issue - this creates a conflict that both parties are motivated to reduce

Card 3


1: How did the Suffregettes draw attention to their message?


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Card 4


2: What effect does creating a congnative conflict have for the minority group?


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Card 5


2: How did the suffregettes use congentive conflic to theri advatage?


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