Skeletal System

What is the role of a flat bone?
Protects organs and attaches muscles
1 of 44
Name an example of a flat bone
Ribs, cranium
2 of 44
What is the role of a long bone?
Levers for movement and produce red blood cells
3 of 44
Name an example of a long bone
Femur, phlanges
4 of 44
Where would you find an irregular bone and what are they for?
Vertebrae, protecting the spinal chord
5 of 44
What is the role of a short bone?
Bear weight
6 of 44
Name an example of a short bone
Carpals and tarsals
7 of 44
What is the role of a sesamoid bone?
Ease joint movement and resist compression
8 of 44
Where would you find a sesamoid bone?
9 of 44
Name the 5 things found in a synovial joint
Ligament, articular cartilage, synovial fluid, joint capsule and bursa
10 of 44
What is a ligament?
Connects bone to bone and stabalises joints
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What is an articular cartilage?
Smooth tissue at the surface of bones which absorb shock and prevent friction
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Why is synovial fluid important?
Reduces friction and nourishes cartilage
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What is the role of a joint capsule?
Encloses and strengthens joint, produces synovial fluid
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What is a bursa?
Fluid filled sack which reduces friction between tendons and bones
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Name 5 types of joint
Hinge, pivot, gliding, ball and socket and condyloid
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What is a hinge joint?
Limited sideways movement found at the knee or elbow - flexion and extension
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What is a gliding joint?
Flat bones with limited movement eg. spine
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What is a ball and socket joint?
Joint with large range of movement in all 3 planes eg. hip
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What is a condyloid joint?
Flat bones with movement in 2 planes eg. wrist joint
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What is a pivot joint?
Round bone articulating a ring bone eg. radio-ulna
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What is a frontal plane?
Divides body into anterior and posterior
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What movement is involved in a frontal plane?
Aduction and abduction
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Give an example of a frontal plane movement
Star jump
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What is a sagittal plane?
Divides body into left and right
25 of 44
What movement is involved in a sagittal plane?
Flexion, extension, dorsi flexion and plantar flexion
26 of 44
Give an example of a sagittal plane movement
Bicep curl
27 of 44
What is a transverse plane?
Divides body into upper and lower
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What movement is involved in a transverse plane?
Horizontal extension, horizontal flexion, rotation
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Give an example of a transverse plane movement
Discus throw
30 of 44
Explain flexion
Decreasing the angle at a joint
31 of 44
Explain extension
Increasing the angle at a joint
32 of 44
Explain abduction
Moving limb away from centre line
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Explain adduction
Adding limb to centre line
34 of 44
What is rotation?
Rotating around a fixed point eg. neck
35 of 44
What is circumduction?
Circling a limb
36 of 44
What is supination?
Rotating palm facing up
37 of 44
What is pronation?
Rotating palm facing down
38 of 44
What is plantar flexion?
Pointing toes down
39 of 44
What is dorsi flexion?
Pointing toes up
40 of 44
What is medial rotation?
Rotating foot/hand inwards
41 of 44
What is lateral rotation?
Rotating foot/hand outwards
42 of 44
What is horizontal flexion?
Flexing arm across the body
43 of 44
What is horizontal extension?
Flexing arm away from body
44 of 44

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name an example of a flat bone


Ribs, cranium

Card 3


What is the role of a long bone?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name an example of a long bone


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where would you find an irregular bone and what are they for?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


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