Secondary Fuels and Energy Storage

Environmental Studies AQA Unit 3

  • Created by: Connie
  • Created on: 23-04-12 10:09

1. The storage of a surplus e.g. electricity to meet a later shortage is called

  • Peak shaving
  • Surplus storage
  • Surplus shaving
  • Peak period storage
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. What are secondary fuels

  • Fuels that have gone through a primary cleaning process to make them less polluting
  • Fuels that can be used to make other fuels e.g. natural gas
  • Fuels that have a second best energy density compared to fossil fuels
  • Fuels that are made from other fuels e.g. electricity
  • Fuels that are made from other fuels e.g. coal

3. The secondary fuel electricity has a low efficiency of generation

  • True
  • False

4. Hydrogen is...

  • a secondary fuel with a low energy density
  • a primary fuel with a low energy density
  • ...a secondary fuel with a high energy density
  • a fuel that could be harnessed in the future but isn't yet in use now

5. Hydrogen is produced by electrolysis of water

  • True
  • False




What is the "efficiency of generation" in Q3?

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