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6. Which is true of hydrogen fuel...

  • Releases C02 when partially combusted
  • Can be generated using surplus or intermittent primary energy sources e.g. wind which can’t be stored
  • Low energy density
  • Can't be generated using surplus or intermittent primary energy sources, only fossil fuels.
  • combustion product is Nox

7. The 'hydrogen economy' may help solve vehicle pollution problems

  • True
  • False

8. Demand for energy fluctuates over a number of timescales. Daily, it peaks...

  • ...early morning (around 4am)
  • afternoon snack time
  • ...about 3.50pm
  • main meal times
  • the night

9. The high energy density store of hydrogen can be released in two ways:

  • Combustion to produce gas which powers turbine-run generators. Electrochemically, in a fuel cell where the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water.
  • Combustion to produce heat. Electrochemically, in a fuel cell where the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form water.
  • Combustion to produce heat. Electrochemically, in a gas cell where the hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form CO2