
Sexual abuse
Explotation of a child, who has not reached the age to give informed consent to any involvement in sexual activity.
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Physical abuse is?
This is deliberately hurting a child causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, cuts or burns etc.
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Emotional abuse
A persistent pattern of cruelty by words or rejecting body language, so children feel disliked or unloved by parents/ carers.
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The ongoing failure to meet children's basic needs, they may not be protected from physical or emotional harm or left hungry, no shelter or clothes etc.
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What is fabricated illness?
When a parent/carer deliberately causes or exaggerates symptoms of ill health
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What is a key statutory guidance for anyone working with children
Working together to safeguard children (HM Goverment, 2015)
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Child protection is?
The activity that's undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering or likely to be suffering from significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect.
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Safeguarding is?
Protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of their health and development; ensuring children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; taking action to enable all children have the best poss
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Providers must train staff to identify possible signs of abuse and neglect, signs can include?
significant changes in a child's behaviour; deterioration in their general well-being; unexplained bruises or markings; child's comments/ language; inappropriate behaviour (of staff)
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List the 4 main types of abuse?
Physical, emotional, neglect and sexual
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How do we support young children online?
Talk to the child, ask them to show you what they look at online, agree for the child to only go on certain sites, games, apps etc. Managae the risk of online by setting up parental settings, limiting what they can see that can be deemed inapprorpria
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What would you do if you had serious concerns about a member of staff?
Note down any information you can find out and track it, tell the LADO (Local Area Designated Officer), tell safeguarding team, manager, key worker, OFSTED etc.
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How would a practitioner respond to a discloser from a child?
Take the matter seriously, listen intendly to the child and get on their level, make some notes but tell them what you are doing, comfort them only to the extent that help is on the way and that they were brave to talk to someone, tell the Local area
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Evaluate working in a multi-professional team
Everyone is together to discuss the matter once, everyone has the same beliefs that the child is at the centre of everything. However. it can be hard for parents to hear information and not everyone will agree with the information or opinions being s
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Child legislation - Children Act 2004
Designed with guiding principles to support and care for the child i.e. allowing children to be healthy, be safe in their environment, help children enjoy life, assisst them to succeed and help make a positive contribution to society,
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Must ensure children are safe, training courses must be undertaken, must have reguard for working together to safeguard children, suitable people
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Children and families Act
Improving services for vulnerable children and families, SEN code of practice: principles of local authorities.
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Working together to safeguard children
Statutory guidance on inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
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How do they impact practice
documents impact on practice as of safeguarding practice must include the statutory framework
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


This is deliberately hurting a child causing injuries such as bruises, broken bones, cuts or burns etc.


Physical abuse is?

Card 3


A persistent pattern of cruelty by words or rejecting body language, so children feel disliked or unloved by parents/ carers.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The ongoing failure to meet children's basic needs, they may not be protected from physical or emotional harm or left hungry, no shelter or clothes etc.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


When a parent/carer deliberately causes or exaggerates symptoms of ill health


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