Road to the reformation

The first act on Annates 1532
Banned payments of annates to Rome
Financially benefitted Henry
1 of 5
Supplication of ordinaries 1532
Clergy to go through royal permission before acting on church law
Existing church law to be examined
Gave political power to Henry
2 of 5
Submission of the clergy 1532
The clergy has to accept Henry as the lawmaker
Excluded the Pope as a foreign power
3 of 5
Convocation of Canterbury recognise Henry as the head of the church, allowing Henry more power
4 of 5
Act of restraint against appeals to Rome 1533
Meant that the Pope's power had been given to the King, who was now head of the church of England

Rome now had no power over matrimonial cases so Catherine couldn't appeal to Rome about her marriage to Henry
5 of 5

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Card 2


Clergy to go through royal permission before acting on church law
Existing church law to be examined
Gave political power to Henry


Supplication of ordinaries 1532

Card 3


The clergy has to accept Henry as the lawmaker
Excluded the Pope as a foreign power


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Convocation of Canterbury recognise Henry as the head of the church, allowing Henry more power


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Meant that the Pope's power had been given to the King, who was now head of the church of England

Rome now had no power over matrimonial cases so Catherine couldn't appeal to Rome about her marriage to Henry


Preview of the back of card 5


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