Imperial Russia

  • Created by: 13gpascoe
  • Created on: 11-11-18 15:11
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  • Imperial Russia
    • POP          1815 = 40 mill 1914=165 mill
      • Mixed races, languages, religions, cultures
        • Difficult to control all these people over vast territory
    • 3 bodies Tsar has authority over
      • Imperial Council
        • honorary advisers, responsible to Tsar
      • Cabinet of Ministers
        • Run gov departments
      • Senate
        • Supervised law
      • Reality; less powerful; appointed not elected; role = advisory
    • Russia 1881
      • criminal to oppose Tsar/Gov
      • no parliament or parties
      • censored press and books
      • reformers = underground
        • Okhrana agents infiltrated meetings; raids;arrests;harassment
    • Russian Orthodox Church
      • expression of Russian culture
      • opposed to political change
      • taught it was duty to be obedient to Tsar
    • Industry
      • Urals - iron
      • Moscow, St Petersburg - textile factories
      • undeveloped roads and railways
        • limited industrial growth
      • absence of effective banking system


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