The problems which Nicholas I left for his son on his death


The problems which Nicholas I left for his son on his death:

What problems did Nicholas I leave for his son after his death in 1855?

  • Crimean war: The Tsar's army could not drive foreign armies from the country because of a scarcity of supplies and men at the front lines. The giant, European superpower image of Russia cannot be supported by the country's lack of basic infrastructure like roads and railways.

  • Economy: Russia was economically backward in relation to the western powers. Russian society was supported by a class structure and the majority of people in the rural population were owned as serfs by the landed gentry. The economic decline took hold as the industrial revolution swept through the west, showing the weaknesses of the Russian autocratic system.

  • Bureaucracy: Streamlining the bureaucracy was one of Nicholas I’s most important legacies. Unfortunately, the increase in efficiency was underwhelming compared to the effort


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