Right Realism (New Right) explanations of crime and deviance

How does Murray see the underclass?
Lacking in moral values, commitment to marriage & family life, irrepsonsible single mothers, lack of father discipline and role models
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What is the result of the underclass's situation?
Young males turn to other, delinquent role models on street, gain status through crime not steady job, hate police & authority
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What do the New Right see as the main cause of crime?
In reccent years the underclass in inner city areas and on council estates
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What is an evaluative point of underclass theory?
No concrete evidence for underclass, hard to study, wont admit it, Questionaries suggest poor have same values/beliefs as majority
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Who studied a council estate and did it support underclass or not?
Charlesworth - Used particpant observation and conversational interviews, found poor economic conditions gad bad effect on health, many unemployeed had depression, lose of identity, few commit crime - Doesnt support it as little crime due to it
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Who also disagree with underclass theory and why?
Rex & Tomlinson - Reject idea of subculture that is voluntarily unemployed, criminal behaviour - poverty usually caused by external factors beyond control of poor eeg global reccession, gov policies, etc
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Which Right Realists' explanation is callled 'Broken windows' and why?
Wilson - More crime when social control breaks down, incivilities (liter, vandalism) are kept low by others reaction, once that stops serious crime takes over - once one broken window in abandoned building, they all are
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What was Wilson's conclusion?
Police have crucial role to play in restoring balance of incilivities & helping to recreate community. Less law enforcement, more order maintenance (stop noisy youths, etc), change view of whats acceptable, make public spaces feel safe
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What did Wilson and Herrnstein say about crime?
It is inevitable. Wilson - More liekly to commit crime if not socialised into acceptable behaviour, certain traits (impulsiveness, no empathy, etc) in more criminals, families with low intelligence dont socialise right so more criminals
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What do Wilson and Herrnstein say the act of commiting a crime depend upon?
The perception of if the advantages of crime outweigh potential disadvantages
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Who evaluates Wilson and how?
Jones - Other factors like lack of investment more important than penalties, focus on minor offences means serious crimes go unchecked, criminals just move to different neighbourhood
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As an evalutaion of WIlson - What are right realists accused of failing to theorise the causes of what?
Causes of offending and evidence suggests high reoffending rates among offenders who experienced hard line approaches, ignore impact of stratification &poverty on offending rates, accept stats as valid
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How does Matthews evidence critise Wilson?
Compared zero tolerance programmes with more liberal approaches, found little difference on impact of crime rates
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How does Stan Cohen ciritise Wilson?
Argues New Right thinking leads to class inequalities in victimisation - rich live in paranoid forrestresses with security so crime displaces to poorer less protected areas
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What is Rational choice theory and who said it?
Clarke - Decision to commit crime is a choice based on a rational calculation of likely consequences, if rewards outweigh percieved costs then more likely to offend
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How do right realists build on Rational choice theory?
They argue that currently the percieved costs of crime are low so crime rate risen, Criminals see little risk of being caught or punished, formal punishment and informal social controls (family & community) are weak
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What is an evaluation of Rational choice theory (Clarke)
Right realism over-states the rationality of criminals - many crimes not result of rational decisions (eg violent crime)
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What is control theory and who said it?
Hirschi - Most people dont commit crime as have four controls in their lives that make the costs of punishment more than rewards (economic and personal gain)
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What are the four controls (Hirschi) and how do we get them and what does it imply?
Attachment, Commitment, Belief, Involvement - Get them as get older so younger peole have less to lose so commit more crime - Imply that youth, ethinic minorities, underclass more criminal as lack controls
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What is a evaluation of Control theory (Hirschi)?
Focuses on conformity not criminality, taught through socialisation, sometimes bonds explain deviance (loyalty to peer group or subculture), assumes shared set of values (Marxism disagrees), lack of supportive evidence
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the result of the underclass's situation?


Young males turn to other, delinquent role models on street, gain status through crime not steady job, hate police & authority

Card 3


What do the New Right see as the main cause of crime?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is an evaluative point of underclass theory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who studied a council estate and did it support underclass or not?


Preview of the front of card 5
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