
What are Pitkin's three types of representation?
Descriptive, Substantive and Symbolic
1 of 10
What did John Adams say the House needed to be?
'a portrait of the people at large in minature'
2 of 10
Which authors argue that descriptive representation is needed to bring issues to a certain group to the agenda?
Swers (women) and Tate (blacks)
3 of 10
How much money does a candidate need to successfully run for Congress?
half a million dollars
4 of 10
What does Swers say about women in Congress?
'presence is only the first step'
5 of 10
Who says that strong Labour and Conservative identifiers are 'now something of an endangered species'?
6 of 10
What is measured by the Alford Index?
% of working class voting for the left - % of middle class voting for the left
7 of 10
What is the likelihood of a churchgoer voting Republican?
2 to 1
8 of 10
Who argues that religion has a greater impact on party choice than class in the USA?
9 of 10
How many percent higher is turnout in countries with PR systems?
10 of 10

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Card 2


What did John Adams say the House needed to be?


'a portrait of the people at large in minature'

Card 3


Which authors argue that descriptive representation is needed to bring issues to a certain group to the agenda?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How much money does a candidate need to successfully run for Congress?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Swers say about women in Congress?


Preview of the front of card 5
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