
To whom does the theory of frozen cleavages belong?
Lipset and Rokkan
1 of 17
Who put forward the theory of cognitive mobilization? (voters rely less on social cues when casting votes due to educational increases and media)
2 of 17
Who found that left-wing extremism has no effect on the extent of class voting but left-right polarization does?
Jansen, Evans and De Graaf
3 of 17
Who says that the decline of the manufacturing industry and restructuring of Western European economies has diminished the number of the traditional working class?
4 of 17
Who says that it is undeniable that workers still favour leftist parties, there are just fewer of them to do so?
5 of 17
How can Heath, Jowell and Curtis tell that the change in the Labour voter base was due to top-down effects rather than bottom-up social change?
there is no change in the Conservative voter base
6 of 17
How would Heath, Jowell and Curtis characterise the change in support for the Labour party in 1997?
a shift
7 of 17
Who said: 'the reason Labour lost in 1992... society had changed and we did not change with it'?
Tony Blair
8 of 17
What percentage of members of the working class were council house tenants in 1979 and 1997?
9 of 17
What percentage of members of the working class were union members in 1979 and 1997?
10 of 17
What percentage drop was there between those lived in council houses and were union members in 1979 and 1997?
11 of 17
Who found that social (descriptive) representation matters more than policy (substantive) representation when making vote choices?
12 of 17
Who found that having more polarized parties correlates with higher partisanship amongst voters?
13 of 17
Who said 'A person thinks politically as he is socially'?
14 of 17
Who argues that parties can influence social divisions by differentiating themselves on social issues relevant to competition?
Evans and Tilley
15 of 17
Who says that demographic facts provide a low-information shortcut to estimating candidates' policy preferences?
16 of 17
Which group in the USA, according to Brooks and Manza have moved from being the most likely to vote Republican to the second most likely to vote Democrat?
17 of 17

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Card 2


Who put forward the theory of cognitive mobilization? (voters rely less on social cues when casting votes due to educational increases and media)



Card 3


Who found that left-wing extremism has no effect on the extent of class voting but left-right polarization does?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who says that the decline of the manufacturing industry and restructuring of Western European economies has diminished the number of the traditional working class?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who says that it is undeniable that workers still favour leftist parties, there are just fewer of them to do so?


Preview of the front of card 5
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