Religious and Cultural Identity

  • Created by: fionatayl
  • Created on: 25-03-15 15:04
What is identity?
The different aspects of our lives which determine who we are and what we identify with/to.
1 of 16
What is Religious Identity?
A specific type of identity formation whereby groups display their belonging to a religion.
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What is Cultural Identity?
A shared identity amongst people within the same culture as yourself.
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What is the difference between the two?
Religion is the teachings in which you believe but this exists within your culture.
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How do people commonly express their Religious Identity?
Through clothing, community, pilgrimage, morals, food etc.
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Cultural Identity consists of...
Food, music, language, accent, dress etc.
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How does a Muslim woman express their Religious Identity?
Through wearing modest clothing, commonly a Hijab.
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What is the minimum Muslim men are expected to cover?
From the navel to the knee.
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How do Jewish women express their Religious Identity through their dress?
Covering the collarbone, elbows and the knees.
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What is the name given to acceptable methods of slaughtering in Judaism?
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What is the word for 'forbidden food' in Islam?
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What is a requirement for both men and women in terms of Islamic dress codes?
Clothing must be baggy enough so body shape cannot be distinguished.
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If an animal is deemed "glatt" in Judaism, what does that mean?
That the animal is "smooth".
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How long must a Jewish person wait to eat the dairy product from an animal after it's been killed?
At least three hours.
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A shochet (Jewish slaughterer) must...
Be well trained in Jewish law.
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What is another name for Islamic slaughtering?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Religious Identity?


A specific type of identity formation whereby groups display their belonging to a religion.

Card 3


What is Cultural Identity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the difference between the two?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do people commonly express their Religious Identity?


Preview of the front of card 5
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