Religion and Medicine

An 'inner voice' that keeps a person on the right track. An innate moral sense that guides actions e.g knowing right from wrong
1 of 6
Free Will
The belief that everyone is responsible for their actions, nothing is completely determined, humans have free choices in life
2 of 6
Hippocratic Oath
Promising to preserve life at all costs. Swearing to do all you can as a doctor to keep someone alive. promising to treat patients to the best of one's ablilty.
3 of 6
Medical Ethnics
A code of conduct in identifying what is good medicine or treatment. The process of deciding what is good and acceptable in medicine e.g through conscience.
4 of 6
Quality of Life
When a person feels a value and capable of contributing to life. The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable e.g free from undue pain and stress
5 of 6
Sanctity of Life
Life in all of its form is sacred. No one should take life or deny it e.g abortion or euthanasia
6 of 6

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Card 2


The belief that everyone is responsible for their actions, nothing is completely determined, humans have free choices in life


Free Will

Card 3


Promising to preserve life at all costs. Swearing to do all you can as a doctor to keep someone alive. promising to treat patients to the best of one's ablilty.


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Card 4


A code of conduct in identifying what is good medicine or treatment. The process of deciding what is good and acceptable in medicine e.g through conscience.


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Card 5


When a person feels a value and capable of contributing to life. The extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable e.g free from undue pain and stress


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