R.E | Religion & Planet Earth

Define stewardship.
Responsibility for God's creation.
1 of 10
Define awe & wonder.
Moments or feelings of amazement (E.G - birth, the eye, wonders of nature)
2 of 10
Define dominion.
God gave humans the power to protect the Earth
3 of 10
Define sustainable development.
Development whcih meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generation to meet their own needs
4 of 10
Name the 5 major environmental problems that the Earth faces and who causes them?
Climate Change (Global Warming), Pollution, Destruction of Natural Habitats, Use and Abuse of Natural Resources and Modern Living. Humans are responsible
5 of 10
Name the 3 major international efforts made to reduce damage
Stockholm Earth Summit (1972), Rio de Janeiro (1992) and Kyoto Protocol (1997)
6 of 10
What are the general religious views towards planet earth?
God created Earth with right conditions to sustain life, God created all living things, including people, The world belongs to God, not people, plants and animals were created for humans to use and make the Earth beautiful place to live in.
7 of 10
List 3 CHRISTIAN teachings regarding planet Earth
1. "God made the world, and gave the duty of stewardship to humans" (Genesis) 2. The earth is the Lord's and everything in it" (Psalms) 3. People are responsible individually and collectively for the future of nature.
8 of 10
List 3 SIKH teachings regarding planet Earth
1. God created everything (Guru Nanak) 2. "In nature we see God and in nature we hear God speak" 3. The universe comes into being ny God's will (Guru Nanak)
9 of 10
What things can religious believers to protect the environment?
Recycle, reduce carbon footprint, use public transport, walking/cycling, use organic food/become vegetarian,use less electricity/turn off appliances on standby, use renewable energy, join environmental pressure groups (CAFOD, WWF, Greenpeace).
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Define awe & wonder.


Moments or feelings of amazement (E.G - birth, the eye, wonders of nature)

Card 3


Define dominion.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define sustainable development.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the 5 major environmental problems that the Earth faces and who causes them?


Preview of the front of card 5
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