Psychology Perception

sensation vs perception
s= info. from the world around us that we receive through our sense organs: physical stimulation of sense receptors by environment.
p= how we organise interpret&make sense of the sensory info. from world
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Ponzo illusion
example of a misinterpreted d.c.
converging lines= give impression of distance, higher lines look longer bc. its further away

apply size constancy= mentally enlarges it, makes top look bigger than bottom
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Muller-Lyer Illusion
misinterpreted depth cues
perceived outgoing lines to be further away, incoming line close. we unconsciously scale up line w. outward fins as it's further= must be longer
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Rubin's vase
Ambiguous figure. Both correct= brain cannot decide which to pick
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Ames room
1 person appears gigantic in comparison to other. shape of room not square= trapezoid. Back wall slopes back= mdc
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what is visual constancies
ability to see object the same even if actual image received has changed
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height in plane
distant objects seen/shown higher in visual field in relationship to items that are nearer= look smaller
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relative size
larger objects in visual field appear closer than smaller objects= similar size, appear smaller= relative size different= perceive further away
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when an object covers part of another= appears to be closer
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linear perspective
when parallel lines appear to converge in the distance= further away object= the more a line converges
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retinal disparity
difference between the sensory info. received through each eye which is the result of slightly angles they have of the world
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depth perception that uses the extent to which eye muscles have to work, in order to focus on images/objects
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size constancy
a tendency/inclination to perceive an object as being the same size, regardless of whether it is nearby or far away
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when an object/colour/movement is perceived but the construction is not actually there.
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kanizsa triangle
appears 2 triangles , 1 overlapping the 1st, but 2nd triangle is not there, brain adds it in

the shape suggests a contour that isn't there= illusory contour
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Direct Theory of Perception
bottom up theory
-everything we need to perceive stimuli accurately is already within environment sensation=perception, perceptual abilities= innate
affordances= property of object defines possible uses
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optic array= everything we see at only 1 time
motion parallax= mdc, closer objects in visual field seem to move more than further away in v.f.
optic flow patterns= let brain know we are moving
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P) struggles to explain perceptual errors E) visual illusions good example of when brain makes perceptual errors E) theory says all info needed is received by retina but visual illusions= this is inaccurate L) inability to explain v.i.= weakness= lacks cr
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P) G+walk visual cliff experiment supports theory E) Babies in study would not go to deep end, remain in shallow E) as babies were young, it is unlikely they had learnt this L) supports G's idea that parts of human perception is innate
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Constructivist theory
inference= world= ambiguous. Brains interpret/infer from our sensory experiences. educated guess/ fill in gaps
perceptual hypothesis= use most probable explanation for visual info. received
mistaken hypothesis= brain has drawn wrong conclu
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P= research show cultural differences in perception E) many studies found ppl. in diff. parts of world interpret v.c. diff. E) their diff. experiences have affected perception= what learnt= important part of what we see= nurture helps us understand world
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P) cannot explain perceptual abilities at birth E) G's idea of mh has been useful in understanding how v.i. work. E) However artificial task 2D images are designed to fool us. not tell us much abt. perception irl L) GT may be better= explains everyday pe
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Perceptual set + culture aim, IV, DV, ED, sample, control
aim= to investigate if ppl. from diff. cultures interpret d.c. in pics diff.

IV= skled/ unskled/ race
DV= could perceive depth or not
ED= ig
Sample= skled, unskled, race
control= same 3 q's asked
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1) shown pic of man pointing spear at antelope and elephant
2) pp. asked what do u see? what is the man doing? which is nearer...?
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1. skled pp. perceived depth more than unskled pp.
2. white skled pp. perceived depth more than black skled pp.
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results suggest cultural differences affect p.s. bc. ppl. from diff. cultural use diff. d.c diff. when perceiving 2D drawing

learnt ability and racial division
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P) methodological issues when investigating culture E) language barriers E) creates issues of understanding / translation of procedure L) validity decreased= communication issues
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P) artificial tasks E) H asked whether pp. perceived depth by showing pic E) irl, don't judge depth/distance by pics L) may not be investigating everyday perception= reduces how applicable to irl
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PS and emotion aim, IV, DV, ED, sample, control
aim= to investigate whether things that cause anxiety are less likely to be noticed than things that don't (longer recognition and saying)
IV= words offensive/neutral
DV= how long to say words/emotional arousal
sample=8m+f psych stude
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1) longer to recognise and say taboo words than neutral
2) offensive words= bigger emotional arousal than neutral words
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emotion does influence ps, our brains use perceptual defence to protect us from offensive words by temporarily blocking them out
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P) used objective measure of emotion E) many studies are limited= based on self report methods= influenced by opinion=bias E) used scientific method= galvanic skin response which pp. can't influence L) results less likely to have been affected by bias= in
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P) relayed recognition of taboo words= embarrassment >defence E) M said delay= perceptual defence E) may have instead been bc. felt uncomfortable saying words (time period)= conc. incorrect L) embarrassment= ev.= reduces credibility
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Ps and motivation aim, IV, DV, ED, sample, control
Gilchrist and Nesberg
aim= to investigate what effect food deprivation has on perception of food-related pics
IV=whether food deprived or not
DV=how pps adjusted light
Sample= 26 undergraduates+control
control=shown same 4slides for 15s ethics=
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1) show 4 slides for 15s (T-bone steak, fried chicken, hamburgers, spaghetti)
2) projector turned off
3) turned back on, but dimmer
4) pp. had to adjust light to o.g.
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those food deprived adjusted light brighter than b4, control group did not
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motivation affects ps. Hunger can be a motivating factor that affects perception
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P) similar results in other studies found E) when pps f-d for 4hrs and shown a.f.= more likely to perceive as food E) motivation can affect ps as suggested L) increases credibility= studies have similar results
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P) aspects of study not like irl E) pps asked to judge pics of food= artificial task and adjust brightness E) not something done irl, better if judged real food L) study may not explain how motivation affects everyday ps= can't be generalised
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Ps and expectation aim, IV, DV, ED, sample, control
aim= to investigate whether pps interpretation of an a.f. was affected by context in which it was shown
IV= whether pps shown ABCor 12,13,14
DV= what pps reported a.f. as
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1) pps shown part of figure
2) either shown top-to-bottom (nos) or left to right (letters)
3) had to report and draw a.f. in middle
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1) if saw letters= reported a.f. as B
if saw nos= reported a.f. as 13
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expectation does influence ps as you have been cognitively primed to anticipate something
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P) artificial task used E) use a.f= designed to trick pps into making errors E) occasional come across irl, such situations are rare L) have little to tall us abt. everyday perception
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P) used ig design= problem of individual differences E) pp in 1 group may have been diff to pp in other groups who's name began w. letter B in letter group E) more likely to perceive a.f as B than other pps L) problem of pvs may have affected conc.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Ponzo illusion


example of a misinterpreted d.c.
converging lines= give impression of distance, higher lines look longer bc. its further away

apply size constancy= mentally enlarges it, makes top look bigger than bottom

Card 3


Muller-Lyer Illusion


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Rubin's vase


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Ames room


Preview of the front of card 5
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