Practical glossary

  • Created by: Liv176
  • Created on: 11-01-18 13:31
a measure is valid if it measures what is it supposed to be measuring and if all the control variables have been controlled
1 of 10
true value
the value that would have been obtained in an ideal measurement- with the exception of a fundamental constant the true value is considered unknowable
2 of 10
the closeness of of agreement (consistency) between values, obtained by repeated measurement
3 of 10
if it is judged to be close to the true value
4 of 10
the precision obtained when measurement results are obtained by a second operator using the same method
5 of 10
when the same results are obtained by people using different apparatus
6 of 10
the interval within which the true value can be considered to lie within a given level of confidence or probability
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the difference between the measurement result and the true value if a true value is thought to exist. can be due to systematic and random errors of an unknown size
8 of 10
the smallest measuring interval and the source of uncertainty in a single reading
9 of 10
significant figures
the number of significant figures used depends on the resolution of equipment used
10 of 10

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Card 2


the value that would have been obtained in an ideal measurement- with the exception of a fundamental constant the true value is considered unknowable


true value

Card 3


the closeness of of agreement (consistency) between values, obtained by repeated measurement


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Card 4


if it is judged to be close to the true value


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Card 5


the precision obtained when measurement results are obtained by a second operator using the same method


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