Population Decline case study - South Uist

  • Created by: Max Oscar
  • Created on: 22-03-22 22:52
What is an Example of Rural Decline in a HIC?
South Uist in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland
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Why is Rural Decline occurring in South Uist?
Push factors (away from South Uist)
Pull factors (of destination = Glasgow)
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What are the PUSH factors AWAY from South Uist?
Lack of jobs
Decrease in services e.g. buses, schools
Decrease in shops as there are too few people to make profit
Remoteness and inaccessibility
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What are the the PULL factors TO Glasgow?
More services and entertainment
Education - Uni, Scottish Highers for young adults
Better paid jobs/opportunities
Chain migration
Better access to other major cities (e.g. Edinburgh)
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What are the Impacts in South Uist?
Aging Population
Fewer jobs as shops, services, pubs close down (i.e Spiral of Decline)
Deprivation - Poor diet & more crime
Most house prices (2nd homes) decrease but some house prices increase
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What are the Impacts in Glasgow?
Doesn't have a massive impact
Number of migrants low compared to city's size
Increase talent in jobs
Increase local demand for housing - house prices increase
Lower the wages in Glasgow
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What are the strategies for solving problems in Western Isles?
NHS funding
Building affordable housing
Job creation - Developing tourism
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What are the issues NHS funding needs to address in Western Isles?
Ageing population
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How is NHS funding solving problems in Western Isles?
NHS Western Isles received £1.1 million for health & social care
£108 million = total government funding
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Are there any problems with NHS funding in Western Isles? (Evaluation)
Is Short-term (doesn't directly address rural decline)
Is paid by taxes therefore less income to spend
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What are the issues building affordable housing needs to address in Western Isles?
Lack of affordable housing e.g. For young
Increase in some house prices as 2nd homes prices increase housing prices
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How is building affordable housing solving problems in Western Isles?
£25 million assigned for affordable housing
Building affordable housing created 14,000 jobs
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Are there any problems with building affordable housing in Western Isles? (Evaluation)
Short-term jobs
Assumes there will be demand
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What are the issues developing tourism needs to address in Western Isles?
Rural depopulation
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How is developing tourism solving problems in Western Isles?
Supports 1,100 jobs in Western Isles
Tourism increased by 22%
Tourism spending = £53 million
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Are there any problems with developing tourism in Western Isles? (Evaluation)
Holiday homes push house prices up
Fashions (e.g. Scottish whiskey) can change therefore may decline in popularity
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Why would UK/Scottish government invest in South Uist?
Maintain cultural heritage + history
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why is Rural Decline occurring in South Uist?


Push factors (away from South Uist)
Pull factors (of destination = Glasgow)

Card 3


What are the PUSH factors AWAY from South Uist?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the the PULL factors TO Glasgow?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the Impacts in South Uist?


Preview of the front of card 5
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