physical attractiveness

  • Created by: mc8g19
  • Created on: 22-02-20 13:16
what are the physical differences between men and women
men have more body hair, men are taller by 8-10%, males weigh 20-40% more, girls have hourglass shape, men have v shape
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what is barber, 1995
argues that the differences have been magnified through competition of rivals or through attraction with mates
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what is physical attractiveness with intra-sexual selection
males who are bigger will beat smaller males. Dunbar, 2000 = taller men are more likely to have kids. Graziano, 1978 = taller men are more desirable.
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what is physical attractiveness with inter-sexual selection
women favour men with beards, may be costly signalling. Pellegnini, 1978 = men shave off beards and take photos in different stages. full beard was most attractive.
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what study conducted men finding specific facial features attractive
Cunningham, 1986 = used different photos of 50 women varying the size of features, found that: small nose, large pupils, big eyes, nice hair, hairless skin
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what study conducted men finding body shapes attractive
Singh, 1993 = a waist to hip ratio of 0.7 as they suggest high oestrogen
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what study conducted men finding specific colours find attractive
Gueguen, 2010 = men sit closer to women when they wear red, suggests that women who wear red are more sexual and like romance.
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what study conducted men finding plastic surgery attractive
10 women underwent 3 facial rejuvenation over 3 months. digital images taken before and after show the new surgery showed increase in health, decrease in age
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what study conducted women finding physical strength attractive
Sell et al, 2017 = physical strength determines 70% of mens attractiveness, ideal 0.85 wide shoulders and 0.9 narrowing hips
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what study conduced women finding symmetrical faces more attractive
Cunningham, 1990 = women prefer symmetrical faces and rugged masculine faces, strong jaw, rigid eyebrows
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what study conducted women finding certain things attractive in fertile stages
Gilderson, Haselton and Fales, 2013 = womens preference for genetic quality in mens faces, bodies are stronger during fertile phases of their cycle
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what study conducted women finding pheromones attarctive
Gangstad and Thornhill, 1998 = women rated t shirts that have been worn for 2 nights, closer to ovulation found men that smelled strongest most attractive.
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what is Maner, et al (adaptive function of social attention)
2003 = looked at an array of attractive and unattractive faces whilst wearing eye tracking device. eyes focused on attractive members of opposite sex. more so in people with sociosexuality are willing to engage in casual sex.
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what is schackleford and larson (ratings of beauty)
1997 = people with symmetrical faces were rated as more attractive, dominant and extroverted, even with identical twins/
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attractiveness in the 21st century - "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Langlois, 2000 = considerable agreement between and within cultures on what and who is attractive, showed understanding of physical beauty
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attractiveness in the 21st century - "never judge a book by its cover"
Langlois, 2000 = adults and children rated as good looking were judged more positively by other people and treated better if behaved badly
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attractiveness in the 21st century - "beauty is only skin deep"
Langlois, 2000 = physically attractive children showed more positive behaviours then children deemed as unattractive. may be more than skin deep.
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what is Langlois et al, 1990
60 12 month old interacted with a stranger who wore a mask that made them attractive or unattractive, showed a more positive tone to attractive stranger. suggests it may be innate.
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Card 2


what is barber, 1995


argues that the differences have been magnified through competition of rivals or through attraction with mates

Card 3


what is physical attractiveness with intra-sexual selection


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Card 4


what is physical attractiveness with inter-sexual selection


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Card 5


what study conducted men finding specific facial features attractive


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