Personality Approaches

Are personalities SUBJECTIVE or OBJECTIVE?
Personalities are SUBJECTIVE
1 of 9
Why aren't personality approaches reliable?
Because people could answer untruthfully and therefore give socially desirable answers.
2 of 9
What does PEN stand for in Eysenks's model?
3 of 9
What type of person is an Extravert and what type of nervous system do these individuals have?
When someone is extraverted, they tend to seek thrill and excitement. They crave stimulation and engage in risk-taking behaviour. They have an under-reactive nervous system.
4 of 9
What are Neurotic people like and what type of nervous system do these people possess?
People who are neurotic tend to have a high level of reactivity in the sympathetic nervous system. They are typically jumpy and overly anxious. They respond quickly to fight or flight situations.
5 of 9
What are Psychotic people like?
They have high levels of testosterone and are cold, unemotional, and are prone to aggression.
6 of 9
What is a Narcissistic personality disorder?
They crave the need for admiration and the ability to exploit others.
7 of 9
Antisocial personality disorder?
Ignoring others and aggressive behaviour.
8 of 9
What is a Paranoid Personality Disorder?
Distrust in others and bearing grudges
9 of 9

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Card 2


Why aren't personality approaches reliable?


Because people could answer untruthfully and therefore give socially desirable answers.

Card 3


What does PEN stand for in Eysenks's model?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of person is an Extravert and what type of nervous system do these individuals have?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are Neurotic people like and what type of nervous system do these people possess?


Preview of the front of card 5
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