Holistic approaches

What is a holistic approach?
A holistic approach takes account of a person's wider needs and seeks to meet these to promote health and wellbeing.
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What are the advantages of a holistic approach?
The advantages are that: care is more personalised, other issues which contribute to individual's ill health may be identified and addressed, being veiwed as a 'whole person' will help an individual with their general health and wellbeing.
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What are the disadvantages of a holistic approach?
The disadvantages are that: most people only want their particular illness or symptom treated, doctors do not look for other issues during diagnosis, some service providers are not employed or skilled to manage all aspects of an individual's needs.
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What does advocacy allow people to do?
It allows people to: express their veiws and concerns, access information and services, defend and promote their rights and responsibilities, explore choices and options.
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What are holistic approaches also known as?
Whole-person approaches
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Card 2


What are the advantages of a holistic approach?


The advantages are that: care is more personalised, other issues which contribute to individual's ill health may be identified and addressed, being veiwed as a 'whole person' will help an individual with their general health and wellbeing.

Card 3


What are the disadvantages of a holistic approach?


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Card 4


What does advocacy allow people to do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are holistic approaches also known as?


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