PE Revision Cards

  • Created by: 13wilale
  • Created on: 14-05-17 10:55
Bones at Head/Neck Area
Cranium and Vertebrae
1 of 167
Bones at Shoulder Area
Scapula and Humerus
2 of 167
Bones in Chest Area
Ribs and Sternum
3 of 167
Bones at Elbow Area
Humerus, Radius and Ulna
4 of 167
Bones in Hip Area
Pelvis and Femur
5 of 167
Bones in Knee Area
Femur and Tibia
6 of 167
Bones in Ankle Area
Tibia, Fibula and Talus
7 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #1
8 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #2
Protection of Vital Organs
9 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #3
10 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #4
Structural Shape and Points of Attachment
11 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #5
Mineral Storage
12 of 167
Function of the Skeleton #6
Blood Cell Production
13 of 167
How the Human Skeleton provides Framework for Movement #1
The shape and type of the bone determine the amount of movement
14 of 167
How the Human Skeleton provides Framework for Movement #2
Flat bones provide protection of the Vital Organs
15 of 167
How the Human Skeleton provides Framework for Movement #3
Provides a point of attachment for the muscles
16 of 167
How the Human Skeleton provides Framework for Movement #4
Allows movement at a joint
17 of 167
How the Human Skeleton provides Framework for Movement #5
The different joint types allow different types of movement
18 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #1
Synovial Membrane
19 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #2
Synovial Fluid
20 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #3
Joint Capsule
21 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #4
22 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #5
23 of 167
Structures of a Synovial Joint #6
24 of 167
Hinge Joint
Elbow, Knee and Ankle
25 of 167
Ball and Socket Joint
Hip and Shoulder
26 of 167
Shoulder, Elbow, Hip and Knee
27 of 167
28 of 167
29 of 167
30 of 167
Latissimus Dorsi
31 of 167
32 of 167
Rotator Cuffs
33 of 167
34 of 167
35 of 167
36 of 167
37 of 167
Hip Flexors
38 of 167
Lower Back/ Upper Leg
39 of 167
Upper Leg
40 of 167
Upper Leg
41 of 167
Lower Leg
42 of 167
Tibialis Anterior
Lower Leg
43 of 167
Attach Muscles to Bone
44 of 167
Pathway Of Air Body Parts
Mouth/Nose, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Lungs and Alveoli
45 of 167
Inhaling, Intercostals
Enlarge the Chest Cavity
46 of 167
Inhaling, Rib Cage
Expands outwards
47 of 167
Inhaling, Diaphragm
Contracts and moves downwards
48 of 167
Exhaling, Intercostals
Relax, Pulls the Rib Cage downwards and inwards
49 of 167
Exhaling, Rib Cage
Contracts inwards
50 of 167
Exhaling, Diaphragm
Relaxes, moves back upwards
51 of 167
How does Inspiration and Expiration occur
Changes in Air Pressure
52 of 167
Tidal Volume
Normal Volume of Air displaced during Inhalation and Expiration
53 of 167
Expiratory Reserve Volume
Maximum Volume of air that can be Expired
54 of 167
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
Maximum Volume of air that can be Inspired
55 of 167
Residual Volume
Amount of Air in Lungs after forced Expiration
56 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #1
Large Surface area of Alveolis
57 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #2
Moist Thin Walls
58 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #3
Short distance of Diffusion
59 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #4
Lots of Capillaries
60 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #5
Large blood Supply
61 of 167
Features that Assist Gaseous Exchange #6
Movement of Gas from High to Low concentration
62 of 167
Features of an Artery
Thick Outer walls, 10mm Diameter
63 of 167
Features of a Vein
Thin Outer Walls, One-Way Valves, 1mm-1.5cm
64 of 167
Features of a Capillary
3µm-40µm, Thin Outer Walls
65 of 167
Jobs of an Artery
Carries deoxygenated Blood to the heart
66 of 167
Jobs of a Vein
Carries oxygenated Blood from the heart
67 of 167
Jobs of a Capillary
Gas Exchange
68 of 167
Dilation of Blood Vessels, Reducing Blood Pressure
69 of 167
Constriction of Blood Vessels, Increasing Blood Pressure
70 of 167
Top chambers of the heart
71 of 167
Lower chambers of the heart
72 of 167
Cardiac Output
Stroke Volume x Heart Rate
73 of 167
Pathway of Blood #1
Right Atrium, Right Ventricle, Pulmonary Artery, Gas Exchange Occurs
74 of 167
Pathway of Blood #2
Pulmonary Vein, Left Ventricle, Transported to body via Aorta
75 of 167
Aerobic Exercise Definition
Sustained Exercise
76 of 167
Anaerobic Exercise Definition
Short Intense Exercise
77 of 167
Aerobic Exercise Equation
Glucose + Oxygen -> Energy + Carbon Dioxide + Water
78 of 167
Anaerobic Exercise Equation
Glucose -> Energy + Lactic Acid
79 of 167
Aerobic Exercise Example
Swimming, Jogging and Cross Country Skiing
80 of 167
Anaerobic Exercise Example
Sprinting and Heavy Weight Training
81 of 167
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, Oxygen Debt
82 of 167
How is EPOC caused
Caused by Anaerobic Exercise, Requires maintained breathing rate
83 of 167
Cool Down
Removal of Lactic Acid
84 of 167
Manipulation of Diet
Rehydration and Carbohydrates for Energy
85 of 167
Ice Baths/Massage
Prevention of DOMS
86 of 167
Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness
87 of 167
Immediate Effects of Exercise #1
Hot/Sweaty/Red Skin
88 of 167
Immediate Effects of Exercise #2
Increase in Depth and Frequency of breathing
89 of 167
Immediate Effects of Exercise #3
Increased Heart Rate
90 of 167
Short Term Effects of Exercise #1
Light Headedness
91 of 167
Short Term Effects of Exercise #2
92 of 167
Short Term Effects of Exercise #3
93 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #1
Body Shape change
94 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #2
Improvements in Specific components of Fitness
95 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #3
Build Muscle Strength
96 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #4
Improve Muscular Endurance
97 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #5
Improved Speed
98 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #6
Improved Suppleness
99 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #7
Build Cardio-Vascular Endurance
100 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #8
Improve Stamina
101 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #9
102 of 167
Long Term Effects of Exercise #10
103 of 167
Mechanical Advantage
Effort Arm / Resistance Arm
104 of 167
Movement Sporting Example #1
Elbow Action in Push Ups/Football Throw Ins
105 of 167
Movement Sporting Example #2
Hip, Knee and Ankle Action in Running/Kicking
106 of 167
Movement Sporting Example #3
Shoulder Action during a Cricket Bowl (Rotation)
107 of 167
First Class Lever
Diagram to be stuck down.
108 of 167
Second Class Lever
Diagram to be stuck down.
109 of 167
Third Class Lever
Diagram to be stuck down.
110 of 167
Places Flexion/Extension Take Place
Shoulder, Elbow, Hip and Knee
111 of 167
Places Abduction/Adduction Take Place
112 of 167
Places Rotation Take Place
113 of 167
Places Dorsiflexion/Plantarflexion take place
114 of 167
Frontal Plane
Splits the Front and Back side of the body.
115 of 167
Transverse Plane
Splits the Top and Bottom of the body.
116 of 167
Sagittal Plane
Splits the Left and Right sides of the body.
117 of 167
Longitudinal Axis
Runs from the Top to the Bottom of the body.
118 of 167
Transverse Axis
Runs from the Left to the Right of the body.
119 of 167
Sagittal Axis
Runs from the Front to the Back of the body.
120 of 167
The state of being free from illness or injury.
121 of 167
The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
122 of 167
Ill Health
Can decrease fitness.
123 of 167
The ability to change the position of the body quickly and with control.
124 of 167
The ability to retain the centre of mass above the base of support when stationary (static balance) or moving (dynamic balance).
125 of 167
Cardiovascular Endurance
Is the ability to exercise the whole body for long periods of time and is sometimes called stamina.
126 of 167
The ability to use two or more body parts together smoothly and efficiently.
127 of 167
Is the range of movement possible at a joint.
128 of 167
Muscular Endurance
Is the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.
129 of 167
Power/Explosive Strength
Power = Strength x Speed
130 of 167
Reaction Time
The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a movement.
131 of 167
Is the amount of force a muscle can exert against a resistance.
132 of 167
Speed = Distance / Time
133 of 167
Reasons for fitness testing
To identify strengths and/or weaknesses in a performance/the success of a training programme. To monitor improvement. To show a starting level of fitness. To inform training requirements. To compare against norms of the group/ national averages.
134 of 167
Agility Test
Illinois Agility Test
135 of 167
Balance Test
Stork Balance Test
136 of 167
Cardiovascular Endurance Test
Multi-Stage Fitness Test
137 of 167
Coordination Test
Wall Toss Test
138 of 167
Flexibility Test
Sit and Reach Test
139 of 167
Muscular Endurance Test
Sit Up Multi-Stage Fitness Test
140 of 167
Power Test
Vertical Jump Test
141 of 167
Reaction Time Test
Ruler Drop Test
142 of 167
Maximal Strength Test
One Rep Max Test
143 of 167
Speed Test
30 Meter Sprint Test
144 of 167
Strength Test
Handgrip Dynamometer Test
145 of 167
Training Requirements
Training Purpose, Training Thresholds, Training Targets and Training Zones.
146 of 167
After Training Requirements
Rest and Recovery
147 of 167
SPORT Principles of Training
Specificity, Progressive Overload, Reversibility and Tedium.
148 of 167
FITT Principles of Training
Frequency, Intensity, Time and Type.
149 of 167
High Altitude Training
Train at High Altitude: Less Oxygen in the Air meaning Oxygen Capacity is reduced, the body compensates by producing more Red-Blood cells.
150 of 167
Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)
Is equal to 220 - Your age.
151 of 167
Aerobic Training Zone
Is equal to 60-80% of MHR.
152 of 167
Anaerobic Training Zone
Is equal to 80-100% of MHR.
153 of 167
First Stage of a Season
154 of 167
Second Stage of a Season
Competitive Season
155 of 167
Third Stage of a Season
156 of 167
Injury Preventions #1
A warm up should be completed. Over training should be avoided, eg appropriate weight. Appropriate clothing and footwear should be worn. Taping/bracing should be used as necessary.
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Injury Preventions #2
Hydration should be maintained. Stretches should not be overstretched or bounce. Technique used should be correct, eg lifting technique. Appropriate rest in between sessions to allow for recovery.
158 of 167
Pre-Season Goals
General/aerobic fitness, specific fitness needs for Athlete.
159 of 167
Competitive-Season Goals
Maintain fitness levels, work on specific skills, Work towards winning matches.
160 of 167
Post-Season Goals
Rest and light aerobic training to maintain a level of general fitness.
161 of 167
Things a Warm-Up should Include
Gradual pulse raising activity. Stretching. Skill based practices/familiarisation. Mental preparation. Increase amount of oxygen to the working muscles.
162 of 167
Things a Cool-Down should Include.
Maintain elevated breathing and heart rate, eg walk, jog. Gradual reduction in intensity. Stretching.
163 of 167
Benefits of Warming Up
Effect on body temperature. Range of movement increase. Gradual increase of effort to full pace. Psychological preparation. Practice of movement skills through the whole range of movement. Injury prevention.
164 of 167
Benefits of Cooling Down
Allowing the body to recover. The removal of lactic acid/CO2/waste products. Prevent (delayed onset of) muscle soreness/ DOMS.
165 of 167
Quantitative Data
Deals with Numbers uses Questionnaires and Surveys.
166 of 167
Qualitative Data
Deals with Descriptions uses Interviews and Observations.
167 of 167

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Scapula and Humerus


Bones at Shoulder Area

Card 3


Ribs and Sternum


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Humerus, Radius and Ulna


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Pelvis and Femur


Preview of the back of card 5
View more cards


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