Other theories of education

Feminist views of the roles of education
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Provide evidence that feminists have had a strong impact on the education system
those who run education now are much more aware of gender issues and stereotyping
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What do feminists think about the school providing secondary socialization?
they are taught universal norms and values which provide gender scrips that prevents social change as they are the contemporary patriarchy and challenges to patriarchy
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Name 3 policies in education that liberal feminists support?
GIST, WISE, National curriculum
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What legislation changes may have impacted this?
1970 Equal Pay Act and the 1976 Sex discrimination Act
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Why has the increase in the proportion of female role models like female head teachers positively impacted girls in education?
these women require extensive education to get to that position which encourages young females to find role models who are well educated and gain qualifications
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?Why does Assessments support girls?
favor girls learning style and disadgbages boys
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When did Goard believe the gender gap was constant?
1988 with the introduction of GCSE's and coursework
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Why do Oral exams benefit girls?
they have better-devloped language skills (bedroom culture) which girls achieve educational success and leave boys behind
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Explain how teacher interaction benefits girls?
girls receive positive attention which is work-related which helps and encourages them to achieve where boys recieve more negative attention for poor behaviour
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why has the removal of gender stereotypes from textbooks removed a barrier for girls achievement?
previously in 70's and 80's girls were protrayed as housewive and mothers and boys and scientists and inventors
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Why has the impact of feminism increased girls achievement?
Shift from housewife and mother role being only future for girls and feminist has raised girls awareness and self-esteem so try hard in education for a good job
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For example, who looked at magazine covers are found a shift from women being housewives to nowadays being presented as powerful?
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Why are girls achieving more due to changed changes in the family?
increased women being seen as financially stable and thus girls need good qualifications so work hard to achieve this for this goal in the future
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Feminist theories view of change
liberal, Radical, Marxists, black and difference feminist
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Are liberal feminists happy with the girls' progress?
yes they celebrate them
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What do they believe about the future?
'future is female'
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What do they believe is only a matter of time as girls are outperforming boys?
women moving into politics and higher-paid managerial roles at work
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What is the radical view on these educational changes?
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Why do they see the education system as patriarchal?
believe it conveys a clear message that is still a mans world
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For example, how many girls reported sexual harassment in school?
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PROVIDE some other reasons of schools is patriarchal?
more male heads of secondary schools, women are still more likely to be unrepresented in the curriculum like history and female subject choice is restricted
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What do Marxists, Black and different feminists point out about education?
that not all girls have the same experiences t
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For example, what are an ethnic minority groups face?
assumptions and specific sterotypes
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For example, what do teachers think about Asian girls>
that they have different aspirations in relation to career and family from their peers
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Why do they argue school provides girls for exploitation?
because they are taught an ideology where they believe that now have equal opportunities to men but with the added margination of their class and ethnicity
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Name a Marxist and a different feminist?
Archer (2006)
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What does Archer believe about W/C and black girls are being labeled as?
they are labelled as aggressive and stereoty[e
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What are high achieving Asian girls labeled as?
robots - pushed by parents rather than independent mined and not high achievers through their own efforts
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What does Archer believe male underperformance hides?
disguises these difficulties that still exists for girls in the UK
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Provide some reasons of why education is not patriarchal
women are doing than men in education, the education system is sending more girls to higher education, most teachers are female
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But what still remains?
gender pay pay, glass ceiling, maternity leave and part-time work
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Provide evidence that feminists have had a strong impact on the education system


those who run education now are much more aware of gender issues and stereotyping

Card 3


What do feminists think about the school providing secondary socialization?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 3 policies in education that liberal feminists support?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What legislation changes may have impacted this?


Preview of the front of card 5
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