
  • Created by: ajtierney
  • Created on: 28-02-20 13:39
What is Obedience?
A change in behaviour as a result of a direct order from a perceived authority figure. E.g. hierarchy of rank or power.
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What do we tend not to do?
We tend not to obey people that are not in a rank of authority, we may comply and do as they say however do not feel overly obliged to.
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Who was Milgram and what did he conduct
Milgram (1963)– professor at Yale University and conducted a laboratory experiment on obedience
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What was Milgram interested in?
He was interested in the Nuremberg trials in the Second World War. Where the Nazi’s on trial over crimes against peace.
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What did milligram do to advertise his study?
put an advert in the paper about an experiment about memory
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Who did they meet when they turned up for the study and what did he do?
they turned up and met by a person called Jack; white lab coat, who explained the study.
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Who took part in the Study?
Jack, themselves and Mr. Wallace
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Who was Mr Wallace
Mr Wallace was a hired actor, who was the participant (learner) being shocked in the study
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What did the study involve?
The study involved one participant reading out pairs of words and the other participant, Mr Wallace) giving the other word pair.
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What happened when Mr Wallace got a word pair wrong
The other participant would administer an electric shock
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What was the aim of this study?
To see if negative effects have positive feedback on improving performance and increasing concentration.
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What was Mr Wallace scripted to do?
Give the wrong answer on occasion
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When the voltage was above 300v what was Mr Wallace scripted to do?
scream, bang on walls and fall off his chair presenting as either unconscious or dead. (participants could not see, only hear)
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What was predicted in terms of obedience?
There were low predicted levels of obedience however, all participants shocked to 300v and 65% of participants shocked to 450v
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What happened if the participants didn't want to continue and what were the prompts?
Jack gave prompts to participants; 1. please continue. 2. the experiment requires you to continue. 3. you have no choice but to continue.
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Cons of Milgrams Study
Deception, participant harm, damage to the reputation of psychology, it lacked ecological validity (what we saw in the lab was different to the second world war) gender bias in original study
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Pro's of Milgrams study
Fully controlled experiment, highlighted the role of situational factors as being more important than dispositional factors, shows that if normal people are placed in a room where situational factors come into place they will follow instructions
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What were the variations of the study
Less- prestigious surroundings, teacher and learner in the same room, teacher had to replace the learners hand onto the eletroid, teacher given support by dissenting 3rd party, teacher reads but 3rd party flicks switch, jack leaves room and gives tel
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What are less Prestigious surroundings and what is the result?
Universities that aren't classed as ivy - obedience went town to (40%)
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Teacher and Learner in the same room result
(40%) obedience decreased
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Teacher had to place learners hand on electrode
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What is the teacher given support by dissenting 3rd party? and results
The person sat in a chair watching you, waiting to take your place says ‘I don’t think this is right, I’m not liking this’ obedience drops to (10%)
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Teacher reads the word but the third party flicks the switch on the shock generator results?
Obedience rate reaches (93%)
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Jack leaves room and gives telephone orders
decreases to 20%
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Why does obedience drop when Jack gives telephone orders?
source of authority is no longer present. Less legitimate when the authority figure is not psychically present
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What were the remote figure of authority findings?
When the source of authority is remote, obedience decreases.
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What were the present figure of authority findings?
When the source of authority is present, obedience is higher
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What were the remote victim findings?
when the victim is remote obedience increases.
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What were the present victim findings?
Also when the victim is present obedience decreases
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do we tend not to do?


We tend not to obey people that are not in a rank of authority, we may comply and do as they say however do not feel overly obliged to.

Card 3


Who was Milgram and what did he conduct


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was Milgram interested in?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did milligram do to advertise his study?


Preview of the front of card 5
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