Nutrition, diet and health

  • Created by: Naomi001
  • Created on: 06-01-16 17:02
chemicals or substances found in food
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a measurement of the energy values in food, unit of energy; written as kcal
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foods Standards Agengcy
a UK government body that deals with food issues
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The Eatwell Plate
a Plate diagram that show the amount of food we should be eating from each of the 5 groups
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substances found in vitamins A,C and e that are needed for good health and help protect the body against diseases
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the size and weight of food we eat. A portion is 80g in weight or 125ml of juice
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Omega 3
fatty acids that are important for a healthy heart
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Hidden sugar
sugar that you are not aware of in product, often r=written in the ingredients
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Saturted fat
a fat that comes from an animalsoource and can be bad fir health
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is when the body is short of water. water is lost through urine , sweat and faceas
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is when the body is short of water. water is lost through urine,sweat and faeces
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breaking the fast. Fasting is the period when we do not eat such as when we are sleeping.
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to have vitamins or minerals added to the body
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body mass inde, a measurement for body fat
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5 a day campaign
a government campaign to encourage people to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day
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Dietary guidelines
advice on foods to eat in order to maintain health
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Nutritional requirements
estimates of energy and nutrients needed by individuals or groups of people
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Dietary requirements
estimates of the amounts of energy and nutrients needed daily
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Reference nutrient intake
the amount of protein, vitamins, and minerals needed daily
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Estimated average requirement
the amount of energy needed by different groups of people
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Guideline daily amounts
the nutritional information found on food labels
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Energy input
the energy that we get from the food we eat
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Energy output
the energy that we use in our daily activity
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Amino acids
simpler units of protein, made up of long chains
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High biological value
protein foods containing all the essential amino acids
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Low biological value
protein foods lacking in one or more of the essential amino acids
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Dietary fibre
the edible part of a plant which cannot be broken down during digestion
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a complex carbohydrate, poly= many, saccharide = sugar
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a fatty substance found in our blood and the food we eat
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Fat soluble vitamins
vitamins A,D, E and K: they dissolve fats
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Visible fat
fat or oil you can see
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Hidden fats
the fat or oil that we cannot see in food prducts
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Water soluble
dissolves in water
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Fat soluble
dissolves in fat
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a disease which can develop from low stores of iron in the body
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the protein in connective tissue, a substance which binds cells together
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Beta carotene
is changed to retinol in the body
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Peak bone mass
when the bones have most minerals in them and they are at their hardest
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a bone disease in children when bones become deformed
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bad bones
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the period during which a person develops from a child to an adult
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a red coloured protein in the blood
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Card 2


a measurement of the energy values in food, unit of energy; written as kcal



Card 3


a UK government body that deals with food issues


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Card 4


a Plate diagram that show the amount of food we should be eating from each of the 5 groups


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Card 5


substances found in vitamins A,C and e that are needed for good health and help protect the body against diseases


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