NLM Sociology as applied to Medicine - BM5 NLM1


1. Which of the following is a reason why the social model of disability may be helpful to a disabled person?

  • Disabled people are sometimes prohibited from reaching their full potential
  • Positive psychological impact
  • If an impairment could be improved and isn't, a disabled person's quality of life could potentially suffer
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2. Which of the following is a reason why the social model of disability may be helpful to a doctor?

  • Improved doctor-patient relationship
  • Can be seen to 'de-skill' a doctor
  • Can be seen by doctors to limit the effectiveness of treatment

3. How does Normativism suggest normality can be defined?

  • Interpretatively
  • Objectively
  • Statistically

4. What's the point of narrative reconstruction?

  • To prove that sociology is a real science
  • To bring coherence and meaning to our stories
  • To bring laughter and joy to the world

5. What is narrative reconstruction in relation to medicine?

  • The changing of narratives following a disruptive event such as an accident or illness
  • The ways in which a person's life becomes profoundly disrupted by trauma, chronic illness or injury


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