Nervous system

  • Created by: Xena_H
  • Created on: 26-10-20 11:07
What can the nervous system be divided into?
1. Central Nervous system (CNS)
2. Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
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What does the CNS consist of?
Brain and spinal cord, integrate sensory information, initiate and coordinate responses. Involved in higher mental functions (thinking, learning, memory etc)
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What does the PNS consist of?
Nerves+ganglia, functional and anatomical extensions of the CNS. Subdivided into: Afferent division - sensory neurons that carry the signal to sensory receptors on the brain or spinal cord.
Efferent division - motor neurone that carry the signal from the
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The Efferent division can be further subdivided into...?
Somatic nervous system(SNS)- innervates skeletal muscle, carries impulse from brain/spinal cord to skeletal muscles.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) - innervates smooth muscle (like in intestine), cardiac muscle (in heart) and glands (like the endocrine)
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What can the ANS be further subdivided into?
1. Sympathetic system- fight or flight response, uses the neurotransmitter norepinephrine
2. Parasympathetic system- rest and digest, uses the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
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How is the CNS protected?
1. Cranium and vertebrates
2. Meninges
3. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
4. Blood-brain barrier
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What is the Meninges?
3-layer structure surrounds+encloses the brain/spine. Outer layer Dura mater, connected to skull, protective dense connective tissue layer. Middle layer Arachnoid mater, web-like, encloses the sub-arachnoid space. Inner layer Pia mater directly of brain/s
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What is the Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?
Fluid that surrounds/cushions the brain/spine.
it protects the brains from mechanical shock and exchanges material between neural cells and interstitial fluid.
produced by a structure in the brain called Choroid plexus in the 3rd + 4th lateral ventricles
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What is the blood-brain barrier?
Highly selective semi-permeable membrane that separates the blood from the brain.
Function is to protect the brain from pathogens/toxins that may circulate the blood.
The epithelial cells that form the walls are held together by tight junctions.
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What are the type of cells in the Nervous system?
1. Neurones/ nerve cells - transmit nerve impulses in the form of electrochemical changes.
2. Neuroglia/ Supportive cells - support and protect.
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Classification of Neurones?
1. Unipolar/sensory neurons - carry signal from sensory receptors on skin to the brain.
2. Bipolar/ intermediate neurons - carry signal from brain to the motor neurone.
3. Multipolar/ motor neurons - carry signal to the effector muscles.
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What are the different types of neuroglia?
In CNS: Astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Microglial cells, Ependymal cells
In PNS: Schwann cells, Satellite cells
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What do Astrocytes do?
2 types, fibrous and protoplasmic
provide physical support, transport nutrients, take up neurotransmitters and help maintain and blood-brain barrier.
The Satellite cells in PNS have a similar function.
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What do Oligodendrocytes do?
Undergo Cytoplasmic processes which produces sheet-like cells that wrap spirally around the axon producing the Myelin Sheath.
The Schwann cells in PNS make up the Myelin sheath.
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What do Microglia cells do?
Special type of macrophage.
Become enlarged and actively motile in response to injury.
Highly phagocytic cells which removes debris.
The Schwann cells have a similar function.
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What do Ependymal cells do?
Support the epithelial cells that line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.
Produce and help circulate CSF throughout the CNS.
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What does the CNS consist of?


Brain and spinal cord, integrate sensory information, initiate and coordinate responses. Involved in higher mental functions (thinking, learning, memory etc)

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