Nervous tissue


Neuron tissue 

  • Found in the brain, spinal cord, nerves and is characterized by the ability to conduct electrical signals called action potentials. 
  • Contain neurons and glia. 
  • Neurons are the conducting cells of the tissue. 
  • Composed of the cell bdy, dendrites and an axon. 
  • Cell body contains the nucleus and the site of the cell functions. 
  • Dendrites and axons consits of projections of cytoplasm surrounded by memnrane. 
  • Receive action potentials. 
  • Axon conducts action potentials away from cell body. 
  • Much larger than dendrites, constant diamter along their entire length. 

Neuron groups 

  • Multipolar neurons have multiple dendrites and a single axon. 
  • Bipolar neurons have a single dendrite and an axon. 
  • Peseudopunipolar neurons have a single, short process that extends from the cell body and then divides into two branches, extend to the periphery and to the central nervous system. 
  • Two branches function as a single axon, there are dendritelike receptors on the peripheral branch. 


  • Support cells of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. 
  • Nourish, protect, insulates neurons. 

Overview of the autonomic nervous system 

  • Maintains homeostatis of the body by regulating involuntary activities, including heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, digestive process. 
  • Motor divisons of the nervous system control the effectors of the body. 
  • Contains somatic motor system and the ATS. 
  • Somatic system regulates the activities of skeletal muscle and the ANS regulates the activity of the other effectors. 
  • ANS is subdivided into the sympathetic divisions, and the enteric nervous system. 
  • Enteric nervous system consists of nervous tissue of the digestive tract. 
  • Sympathetic and parasympathetic dividions regulates the activity of effectors throughout the body, but each divison influences the tissue under diffrent conditions. 
  • Sympathetic division referred to as flight or fight divison because it has more influences on effectors under conditions of increased physical activity. 
  • Parasympathetic divison has more influences under conditions of rest and is oftern referred to the rest and digest division. 

Contrasting the somatic and autonomic neurons 

  • Peripheral nervous system is composed of sensory and motor neurons. 
  • Carry action potentials from the many sensory receptors of the body to the central nervous system. 
  • Motor neurons carry action potentials from the CNS to the effectors of the body. 
  • Motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle are called somatic motor neurons, they are part of the…


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