Nazi Germany 1933-45 'The Economic Miracle'

In the 1930's in Germany, Hitler managed to claim an 'Economic Miracle' had happened. Test your knowledge on this important part of the Nazi Germany AS course.

  • Created by: Lydia
  • Created on: 19-05-12 17:04

1. By 1936 Hitler stated that unemployment was 1.6million. What was it really likely to be?

  • 2.7million
  • Over 3 million
  • 1million
  • 500,000
  • 5million
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. In 1933, unemployment was already beginning to decline.

  • True
  • False

3. Rations and metal shortages were induced in 1937 because of Autarky.

  • True
  • False

4. How many companies were improved by the Beauty of Labour by 1938?

  • 4,000
  • 750,000
  • 1.2million
  • 34,000
  • 100

5. The Four Year Plan introduced controls on labour and wages as well as State owned plants. Who was this created by?

  • Ley
  • Himmler
  • Goering
  • Heydrich
  • Gobbels


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